There is another girly girl and her name is Kelsie Weiser. She just started a blog of her own dedicated to beauty! You should check her blog out especially if you are into makeup. She also has a vlog as well and you can find out about that on her blog.
You can check out her blog at!
Sparkle & Shine,
Monday, January 30, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Just a couple of posts ago, I had mentioned how much I like the church sign that I pass each time I walk to campus. It seems like they never disappoint me. This week it says, "The price of greatness is responsibility." As soon as I read that, I thought about BUILD Beauty. BUILD Beauty is the recognized student organization that I founded last Spring semester and I am the president of it here at ESU. I've put quite a lot of effort into it, but unfortunately I feel like I didn't do as well as I could have this last semester when we started our meetings. With the whirlwind of having my own apartment with my roommates, classes, starting my new job on campus, being on the exec board in Ambassadors and the tough stuff going on in my life; it felt like BUILD Beauty kind of took the back seat. I have been brainstorming, meeting with my board and adviser and doing a lot to try to make it even better. It is my responsibility. If I want it to be great, it is my responsibility to make it great. It was my idea and vision and if I want to see it come to life, it comes with that responsibility of making it happen.
You can apply it to your life. If you want to make it on the dean's list in college, you have to take the responsibility of studying and working hard on those papers, projects, and presentations. If you want to make it on the team, you have to take the responsibility of going to practices, working out, and practicing your technique.
Remember, "The price of greatness is responsibility."
It is up to you! :)
Sparkle & Shine,
You can apply it to your life. If you want to make it on the dean's list in college, you have to take the responsibility of studying and working hard on those papers, projects, and presentations. If you want to make it on the team, you have to take the responsibility of going to practices, working out, and practicing your technique.
Remember, "The price of greatness is responsibility."
It is up to you! :)
Sparkle & Shine,
Saturday, January 21, 2012
The Lead is an area of my life that I have been struggling with probably the most. It has been an emotional roller coaster ride the last few months with mostly downs. I got my heart broken badly and I have been continuing to try to open up to boys and my heart has already gotten some bruises and scrapes along the way. For some reason I refuse to give up and would rather not sit and dwell for a long time. I am starting to notice some common things among different boys. There were a couple weeks in December that I felt hurt and I was getting tired of it. I felt bitter. I wrote a poem and I had 3 boys in mind. I had 3 completely different types of relationships with them, but at the time, they all had some parallels among them. I noticed some similarities and it seemed like there was a theme going. I felt like I was wearing a sign that told boys to lead me on, hurt me, disappoint me while they were selfish and thought about themselves more. This has become one of my favorite poems and makes me feel like Taylor Swift more and more!
The Lead
I will be kind to flatter you so
And make sure to let you know
How adorable you are
And put warmth to your heart
Get it going and beating fast
You'll want this moment to last
I will lead you pretty far
When I seal it with a kiss
Under the stars.
But the cost for those butterflies
Will be a few days of pain
And a real good cry.
I really do like you
But I like me too.
I'll talk to you when there is no one else
And see you when it's convenient for myself
I hope you don't mind
That I need some time
To think
About me.
I'll leave you in the dark and up in the air
When you wait to see if I will be there.
The Lead
I will be kind to flatter you so
And make sure to let you know
How adorable you are
And put warmth to your heart
Get it going and beating fast
You'll want this moment to last
I will lead you pretty far
When I seal it with a kiss
Under the stars.
But the cost for those butterflies
Will be a few days of pain
And a real good cry.
I really do like you
But I like me too.
I'll talk to you when there is no one else
And see you when it's convenient for myself
I hope you don't mind
That I need some time
To think
About me.
I'll leave you in the dark and up in the air
When you wait to see if I will be there.
A Church Sign
There is a church parking lot that I cut across to get to campus every day. They have this sign that they update weekly with a short message. Every Monday morning I am anxious to read the sign and see how I can relate to it or apply it to my life. Usually I can relate it to my life, apply it to my life, or at least it can make me think. I loved this week's message.
We are limited more by our attitude than by opportunities
I thought about this a lot and I think they are on to something. I think this can be true.
Since school has started, I have been working on getting up early in the mornings because I am not a morning person and I want to work on that. I have been taking time to get ready by doing my hair and makeup (when you feel like you look good, you feel good) and allowing myself time to have some breakfast rather than rushing. I feel like this alteration to my morning routine has been helping. I also think this whole new year, new me has been really helping my attitude as well. All of this positive energy has been keeping me going and keeping me productive. Your attitude is a huge factor in how your life will go. There are a lot of opportunities out there and a lot of how it will go depends on your attitude. Sure, there are things that you can't change in life, but your attitude is something you can change. And it can change a lot and go a long way if you keep up that positive attitude. Have you ever went in to take a test thinking, "I am going to fail this" and you do? Or you go to something absolutely dreading it and you end up being miserable the whole time? It seems like your emotions are heightened and you become even more upset just because simply of your attitude in the first place. There are going to be tests you are not confident about and there are going to be things you have to do that you really don't want to do, but if you go in with a positive attitude such as "I will do the best I can, give it all I got and see what happens" or "maybe this won't be as bad as I think it will be" and go in with an open mind, you may have different results. You still might fail that test or maybe whatever it is you go to is really boring anyway, but you just might not feel so bad about it after all. Think about your attitude as you go through your everyday routines of life and see if there are different results if you just simply alter a bit. :)
Sparkle & Shine,
We are limited more by our attitude than by opportunities
I thought about this a lot and I think they are on to something. I think this can be true.
Since school has started, I have been working on getting up early in the mornings because I am not a morning person and I want to work on that. I have been taking time to get ready by doing my hair and makeup (when you feel like you look good, you feel good) and allowing myself time to have some breakfast rather than rushing. I feel like this alteration to my morning routine has been helping. I also think this whole new year, new me has been really helping my attitude as well. All of this positive energy has been keeping me going and keeping me productive. Your attitude is a huge factor in how your life will go. There are a lot of opportunities out there and a lot of how it will go depends on your attitude. Sure, there are things that you can't change in life, but your attitude is something you can change. And it can change a lot and go a long way if you keep up that positive attitude. Have you ever went in to take a test thinking, "I am going to fail this" and you do? Or you go to something absolutely dreading it and you end up being miserable the whole time? It seems like your emotions are heightened and you become even more upset just because simply of your attitude in the first place. There are going to be tests you are not confident about and there are going to be things you have to do that you really don't want to do, but if you go in with a positive attitude such as "I will do the best I can, give it all I got and see what happens" or "maybe this won't be as bad as I think it will be" and go in with an open mind, you may have different results. You still might fail that test or maybe whatever it is you go to is really boring anyway, but you just might not feel so bad about it after all. Think about your attitude as you go through your everyday routines of life and see if there are different results if you just simply alter a bit. :)
Sparkle & Shine,
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
A Review: Do Yoga Panties & Pants Really Work?
It seems like yoga pants are all the rage these days. Especially at Victoria's Secret PINK. They have been coming out with all kinds of yoga things. I bought a yoga mat from there at their semi-annual sale over summer for $10 and then bought a pair for their yoga "shorts" in November in which I have yet to wear. Then I just got a pair of their cropped yoga pants over Christmas break. I also managed to get a pair of their yoga panties for free and I knew I just had to try them out. What made them yoga panties? How were they any different from any other pair of panties?
This past week I broke out my yoga mat in which I could probably count the times I have used it on one hand and put on my yoga panties and my new cropped pants. I went to the rec center to try them out.
I came to find that they are both very comfy. There were some points they would ride up, but that didn't interfere for my growing love for them. The panties fit like the boy shorts style but were even better. A girl even complimented me on my yoga pants. Overall, I enjoyed working out and stretching in them. I may even be one of those girls that will wear them to class or the library sometime. Let me tell you, they can do miracles for your butt! I have always been picked on about my small butt, but these pants made it look like I had one and a cute one too if I say so myself! :) The cropped pants that I got were about $36 which I found as a good deal at PINK because that is cheaper than a pair of sweatpants there and these even have sequence! If you are looking for a splurge or something to put on your birthday list, I would consider the yoga pants! They even have a yoga hoodie now at PINK. I have no idea how they can be any different from any other hoodie, but you never know. I may try it out sometime, but first I should probably try the shorts I have yet to wear! :)
Sparkle & Shine,
This past week I broke out my yoga mat in which I could probably count the times I have used it on one hand and put on my yoga panties and my new cropped pants. I went to the rec center to try them out.
I came to find that they are both very comfy. There were some points they would ride up, but that didn't interfere for my growing love for them. The panties fit like the boy shorts style but were even better. A girl even complimented me on my yoga pants. Overall, I enjoyed working out and stretching in them. I may even be one of those girls that will wear them to class or the library sometime. Let me tell you, they can do miracles for your butt! I have always been picked on about my small butt, but these pants made it look like I had one and a cute one too if I say so myself! :) The cropped pants that I got were about $36 which I found as a good deal at PINK because that is cheaper than a pair of sweatpants there and these even have sequence! If you are looking for a splurge or something to put on your birthday list, I would consider the yoga pants! They even have a yoga hoodie now at PINK. I have no idea how they can be any different from any other hoodie, but you never know. I may try it out sometime, but first I should probably try the shorts I have yet to wear! :)
Sparkle & Shine,
Saturday, January 14, 2012
First Day of School Style
This last Wednesday was our first day of school at Emporia State University and I was anxious to get back! Mainly because of this "new year, new me" thing I got going on and it's a brand new semester with brand new classes that I actually looked forward to! I went shopping last weekend and got some new clothes which made it even more exciting to wear them!
I got a new pair of jeans from my favorite place to get jeans which is Delia's and it was awesome getting them a size smaller! With the stresses of the break up and everything else last semester, I found out at my doctor's appointment over break that I have lost 10 pounds! I could kind of feel it and see it but it made it even more real when I heard my new weight. Growing up I have always been skinny, but the last couple years I started to gain weight and deep down it would bother me. In high school, we had a health fair my senior year and they took my weight and BMI and I got a letter in the mail a couple weeks later telling me that I was considered overweight and it gave me tips on how to deal with bullying because of my weight. I knew I wasn't obese or even close to it, but as a girl, you can't help to be a little bit bothered by something like that. Last year there was a time where I wouldn't wear this form fitting V-neck shirt because I didn't think my body looked good in it. So last spring semester I got a personal trainer at the rec center and made some progress and then over the summer I got myself a membership to the Y and worked out a lot. I started noticing my body toning up but the number didn't really go down. If there are positives to that horrible semester I went through, losing the weight I had been wanting to get off is one of them even though it wasn't the most healthy way. But now I have motivation to keep it off!
I also got some cute tops that aren't just graphic tees. The last few years I had gotten myself into a rut when it came to clothes. I wore the same kind of stuff ALL the time. Graphic tees, t-shirts, hoodies and sweatpants. My goal now when it comes to shopping has been all about getting cute things that are different from what I normally would get to expand my style. And let me tell you, I have been loving it! My senior year of high school, I got to a point where I never really felt like dressing up for school and would rather go for the comfy look in my sweats. It got to a point where this one girl I didn't get a long with very well asked one of my friends if I was pregnant because I was wearing sweatpants so much! It was pretty ridiculous and I confronted her at lunch one day by telling her I wasn't pregnant! When I came to college, I had cut my hair that summer before and my self-esteem went down a lot because I didn't feel confident with short hair. I was also still in my sweats and a t-shirt phase and it was rare I would dress up. The second semester of my Freshman year, I started dressing up more because I was inspired by one of my friends, Ashley Rodgers, who almost always wore jeans no matter what! I was also getting more involved on campus and thought it would be better if I wore jeans a bit more than sweats!
My first day of school went great and even better, I felt great inside and out. My new smaller jeans felt amazing and comfy and I felt so cute and feminine in my new flowy top. I felt confident with my long wavy hair too! I can say I haven't felt this confident and happy with the way I look and feel in a very long time...maybe even ever. But with everything else, you got to try things before you figure out what you like and don't like. Once I noticed how bad my hair cut effected me, I now know to never cut my hair that short again and I appreciate and love my longer hair even more now! I now know that I can wear girly flowy tops and feel good in them. I just needed to try it on! You should try new styles too! What are you going to try on?
Another cool thing that happened this week since I am talking about styles is that my friend, Carlos, texted me giving me kudos to my style and told me I have a nice sense of style! "You don't have to try Rachel, you've got swagg! :)" is also what he texted me! I have never had anyone tell me I have swag. Lol I have been complimented on my style before, but this one meant a lot because it was complimenting what my style is right now. It's the new stuff I have been trying and it feels awesome to know that it is showing and making impressions. That was my goal: to make a great first impression the first week of school. I guess I have succeeded! :) Thanks Carlos!
Sparkle & Shine,
I got a new pair of jeans from my favorite place to get jeans which is Delia's and it was awesome getting them a size smaller! With the stresses of the break up and everything else last semester, I found out at my doctor's appointment over break that I have lost 10 pounds! I could kind of feel it and see it but it made it even more real when I heard my new weight. Growing up I have always been skinny, but the last couple years I started to gain weight and deep down it would bother me. In high school, we had a health fair my senior year and they took my weight and BMI and I got a letter in the mail a couple weeks later telling me that I was considered overweight and it gave me tips on how to deal with bullying because of my weight. I knew I wasn't obese or even close to it, but as a girl, you can't help to be a little bit bothered by something like that. Last year there was a time where I wouldn't wear this form fitting V-neck shirt because I didn't think my body looked good in it. So last spring semester I got a personal trainer at the rec center and made some progress and then over the summer I got myself a membership to the Y and worked out a lot. I started noticing my body toning up but the number didn't really go down. If there are positives to that horrible semester I went through, losing the weight I had been wanting to get off is one of them even though it wasn't the most healthy way. But now I have motivation to keep it off!
I also got some cute tops that aren't just graphic tees. The last few years I had gotten myself into a rut when it came to clothes. I wore the same kind of stuff ALL the time. Graphic tees, t-shirts, hoodies and sweatpants. My goal now when it comes to shopping has been all about getting cute things that are different from what I normally would get to expand my style. And let me tell you, I have been loving it! My senior year of high school, I got to a point where I never really felt like dressing up for school and would rather go for the comfy look in my sweats. It got to a point where this one girl I didn't get a long with very well asked one of my friends if I was pregnant because I was wearing sweatpants so much! It was pretty ridiculous and I confronted her at lunch one day by telling her I wasn't pregnant! When I came to college, I had cut my hair that summer before and my self-esteem went down a lot because I didn't feel confident with short hair. I was also still in my sweats and a t-shirt phase and it was rare I would dress up. The second semester of my Freshman year, I started dressing up more because I was inspired by one of my friends, Ashley Rodgers, who almost always wore jeans no matter what! I was also getting more involved on campus and thought it would be better if I wore jeans a bit more than sweats!
My first day of school went great and even better, I felt great inside and out. My new smaller jeans felt amazing and comfy and I felt so cute and feminine in my new flowy top. I felt confident with my long wavy hair too! I can say I haven't felt this confident and happy with the way I look and feel in a very long time...maybe even ever. But with everything else, you got to try things before you figure out what you like and don't like. Once I noticed how bad my hair cut effected me, I now know to never cut my hair that short again and I appreciate and love my longer hair even more now! I now know that I can wear girly flowy tops and feel good in them. I just needed to try it on! You should try new styles too! What are you going to try on?
Another cool thing that happened this week since I am talking about styles is that my friend, Carlos, texted me giving me kudos to my style and told me I have a nice sense of style! "You don't have to try Rachel, you've got swagg! :)" is also what he texted me! I have never had anyone tell me I have swag. Lol I have been complimented on my style before, but this one meant a lot because it was complimenting what my style is right now. It's the new stuff I have been trying and it feels awesome to know that it is showing and making impressions. That was my goal: to make a great first impression the first week of school. I guess I have succeeded! :) Thanks Carlos!
Sparkle & Shine,
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Today Anna and I got a new fish! We are both really excited about having the new little fella with us. We contemplated a lot of names to the point where Anna got desperate and was reading words off of a Cable One advertisement from our mail pile. It was from that, we finally decided on a name. Chance. When we were debating on if we liked it, the song Taking Chances by Celine Dion came to mind and I started singing it. Then Anna thought of one of her favorite songs, Take A Chance On Me by Abba. It all felt...right and...good. Now you may be reading and thinking what is the big deal about a fish's name? Number one, I get really into naming things and number two, I managed to find a deeper meaning behind the name and it is things like that that makes the name even better. The name Chance and the songs that came to mind for us reminded me to take chances in life. What a better time in mine. Tomorrow is the first day of classes and I am excited. I am excited for all 4 of my classes tomorrow and not dreading one. Let me tell you, it is a great feeling. I am anxious to see who I will meet and find out what I am going to learn this semester. I am ready to take it on and take some chances! Who knows what tomorrow will bring. :)
Sparkle & Shine,
Sparkle & Shine,
![]() |
Chance in his pretty pink rocks! He is a ladies man! |
Monday, January 9, 2012
The Things You Make
I love writing. Especially poems. For awhile, I wouldn't have time to write or when I would try I didn't write anything good or couldn't finish it. I probably produced one good poem over summer which was about the happiness I was feeling one night because of my boyfriend at the time and the way life was going. After that I didn't write for a long time. With the break up I went through, I was afraid to write and didn't really want to in fear that it would make it hurt even more or if I read it later, it would open the wounds back up. I didn't know where to start and didn't really have any motivation. People told me I should write and that it would help, but I didn't really want to do it. I was avoiding it.
It wasn't until after Thanksgiving break that I finally found inspiration to write my first poem in months. It was the poem that started it all and brought me back. Since then I have written numerous poems and finding comfort in it all. I can't wait to share them with you.
But first, I want to share the poem that opened me up again. It is really special to me and one of my favorites that I have written. It is about a boy that opened my eyes and heart and there were moments I shared with him that made me happy again. I am not going to pull a Taylor Swift tonight and share his name with you! (Lol) Sorry! I am thankful for the moments I had with him and the inspiration he provided. Who knows how I would be and if I would be writing the way I am now. I hope you enjoy!
The Things You Make
You make me laugh
With all your cheesy jokes
You made me happy
When you were the first who spoke
You make me nervous
With hands all sweaty
But you made me calm
As I wondered if I was ready
You make me lose focus
When thinking of kissing you
But you made me smile
With a stomach full of butterflies too
You make me feel
As if I am real again
And you made me believe
When it was you who stepped in.
Thank you for reading :)
Sparkle & Shine,
It wasn't until after Thanksgiving break that I finally found inspiration to write my first poem in months. It was the poem that started it all and brought me back. Since then I have written numerous poems and finding comfort in it all. I can't wait to share them with you.
But first, I want to share the poem that opened me up again. It is really special to me and one of my favorites that I have written. It is about a boy that opened my eyes and heart and there were moments I shared with him that made me happy again. I am not going to pull a Taylor Swift tonight and share his name with you! (Lol) Sorry! I am thankful for the moments I had with him and the inspiration he provided. Who knows how I would be and if I would be writing the way I am now. I hope you enjoy!
The Things You Make
You make me laugh
With all your cheesy jokes
You made me happy
When you were the first who spoke
You make me nervous
With hands all sweaty
But you made me calm
As I wondered if I was ready
You make me lose focus
When thinking of kissing you
But you made me smile
With a stomach full of butterflies too
You make me feel
As if I am real again
And you made me believe
When it was you who stepped in.
Thank you for reading :)
Sparkle & Shine,
Saturday, January 7, 2012
OPI - A Story & A Review
For those of you who know me well know about my love for OPI nail polish. Last night one of my best friends, Jessica and I went shopping. She also shares a love for OPI just as big as mine! I had a Beauty Brands gift card and I got 2 OPI nail polishes from the new Nicki Minaj collection that just came out in about the past week. I got "Fly" (pretty teal blue) and "Pink Friday." (light baby pink). Then we went to check out Target to see if they had the Kardashian Kolors from the Nicole by OPI line and they did! After going back and forth a couple times asking each other, "Are you going to get one?" we finally decided to. I got "All Kendalled Up" which is a hot pink. Then we came to a conclusion that we have a problem! (Lol)
I have managed to get 16 new nail polishes this Christmas break. So you can say I am a happy girl and it is going to take me a while to try them all!
This is the Nicki Minaj color named "Fly" and I am absolutely in love with it! This kind of teal is probably tied with my favorite color which is pink. It is thick and only needed a couple quick coats. Then I topped it off with OPI top coat to give it that extra shine! :) I definitely recommend it. It is hard to find a blue like this and especially for OPI. It is not very often that they come out with colors like this and that are thick which won't take forever to cover or mess up easily. This would be an amazing summer color for those of you who like to wear certain colors for certain seasons!
Sparkle & Shine,
I have managed to get 16 new nail polishes this Christmas break. So you can say I am a happy girl and it is going to take me a while to try them all!
This is the Nicki Minaj color named "Fly" and I am absolutely in love with it! This kind of teal is probably tied with my favorite color which is pink. It is thick and only needed a couple quick coats. Then I topped it off with OPI top coat to give it that extra shine! :) I definitely recommend it. It is hard to find a blue like this and especially for OPI. It is not very often that they come out with colors like this and that are thick which won't take forever to cover or mess up easily. This would be an amazing summer color for those of you who like to wear certain colors for certain seasons!
Sparkle & Shine,
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
New Year...A Good Excuse to Clean Your Room!
When the New Year started, everything seemed to need to be refreshed especially if I am going to refresh myself for the new year! So I organized my room!
In my room in Kansas City, I have two closets. (I know. I got lucky!) But it got to a point where I had so many clothes, that I could not fit all of them in the two closets and started a pile of clean clothes on the floor! I also had Christmas gifts still laying on the floor and I was very disoriented when it came to my night stand and pretty much everything else. I have learned that the less clutter you have around you, the less cluttered you will feel inside.
Before you start school, organize your room, go through your closets, and organize your book bag and materials for school that way you feel refreshed for the new year and the new semester! You have the time now, so take advantage of it before classes, work, and meetings start taking up a lot of your time! If your things are organized you will feel less stressed and you will know where everything is which will save time and you won't stress as much trying to look for things!
Here are a few pictures of my room and things I use to keep organized! I hope you can find the time to organize the spaces you spend a lot of time in! Let me know how it goes. :)
Sparkle & Shine,
In my room in Kansas City, I have two closets. (I know. I got lucky!) But it got to a point where I had so many clothes, that I could not fit all of them in the two closets and started a pile of clean clothes on the floor! I also had Christmas gifts still laying on the floor and I was very disoriented when it came to my night stand and pretty much everything else. I have learned that the less clutter you have around you, the less cluttered you will feel inside.
Before you start school, organize your room, go through your closets, and organize your book bag and materials for school that way you feel refreshed for the new year and the new semester! You have the time now, so take advantage of it before classes, work, and meetings start taking up a lot of your time! If your things are organized you will feel less stressed and you will know where everything is which will save time and you won't stress as much trying to look for things!
Here are a few pictures of my room and things I use to keep organized! I hope you can find the time to organize the spaces you spend a lot of time in! Let me know how it goes. :)
Sparkle & Shine,
Before picture: You can see some Christmas presents on the ground & my pile of clean clothes piling up! |
After picture: I now have more floor and it opens up the room! |
Monday, January 2, 2012
The Beginning
Hello, my name is Rachel Marshall and I am...a girly girl.
I am obsessed with nail polish (OPI is my favorite kind), I sleep with stuffed animals, I still love Disney movies, I love anything that sparkles or just about anything that has glitter or sequence. My favorite color is pink with teal in close second and every other color in close third. As for my role models, I like to be sweet and down to Earth like Taylor Swift, courageous and weird like Lady Gaga, funny like Kristen Wiig, sophisticated like Jennifer Aniston, and classy like Kate Middleton.
Now that you've gotten a glimpse at how girly I am, here are some other details about me.
I attend Emporia State University and I am an Ambassador there as well as the President and founder of BUILD Beauty. I graduated from Sumner Academy of Arts & Science which was a 5 year college prep school. I know, an extra year of high school! I am from Kansas City so I guess you can consider me somewhat of a "city girl." I am also from what is known as "The Dotte." I have been blessed to experience other cultures and pretty thankful for it. I have an amazing family and a wonderful group of friends that you will get to know I am sure as time goes on with this blog! I will be officially switching my major to Communications and I am minoring in Creative Writing. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up yet, but it's okay! I am still learning. I know I love to write, help people, inspire and make people laugh!
My goals for this blog...
I thought of this blog this past week. It is going to serve multiple functions. It is sort of dedicated to girls and it is my way of sharing things with you all. I want this site to be a place where you can be entertained, learn, grow, be inspired, get you thinking, and more! But it is also going to help me do the same. This year I want to learn, grow, inspire others, be inspired myself, think, and share with all of you. Like I had mentioned before, I love to write and I would love to use my writing in some way. This would be a good way to get started. Another reason is that in the past few months, my life changed in a pretty big way. I got my heart broken. Now I am learning life on my own after being with someone for three and a half years. I am picking up the pieces and healing. And I am trying to learn how to talk to boys and college. Also, now that I am single, I have this urge to try new things and have new experiences and learn more about me. So this is a good way for me to capture those moments, but also share them with you and hope that maybe you can learn with me too.
This blog will cover a wide variety of topics. I hope to post tips, tricks, and lessons learned. I will also be posting poems, recipes, reviews, and more! I will talk about nail polish, boys, clothes, hair, makeup, and the like.
If you are a girly girl like me, I think you will enjoy this blog. Please tell your friends!
If you have any tips, suggestions, advice for me or if you have any suggestions, requests or things you want me to try out or write about let me know! If you would like to contact me with anything please e-mail me at!
Sparkle & Shine,
I am obsessed with nail polish (OPI is my favorite kind), I sleep with stuffed animals, I still love Disney movies, I love anything that sparkles or just about anything that has glitter or sequence. My favorite color is pink with teal in close second and every other color in close third. As for my role models, I like to be sweet and down to Earth like Taylor Swift, courageous and weird like Lady Gaga, funny like Kristen Wiig, sophisticated like Jennifer Aniston, and classy like Kate Middleton.
Now that you've gotten a glimpse at how girly I am, here are some other details about me.
I attend Emporia State University and I am an Ambassador there as well as the President and founder of BUILD Beauty. I graduated from Sumner Academy of Arts & Science which was a 5 year college prep school. I know, an extra year of high school! I am from Kansas City so I guess you can consider me somewhat of a "city girl." I am also from what is known as "The Dotte." I have been blessed to experience other cultures and pretty thankful for it. I have an amazing family and a wonderful group of friends that you will get to know I am sure as time goes on with this blog! I will be officially switching my major to Communications and I am minoring in Creative Writing. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up yet, but it's okay! I am still learning. I know I love to write, help people, inspire and make people laugh!
My goals for this blog...
I thought of this blog this past week. It is going to serve multiple functions. It is sort of dedicated to girls and it is my way of sharing things with you all. I want this site to be a place where you can be entertained, learn, grow, be inspired, get you thinking, and more! But it is also going to help me do the same. This year I want to learn, grow, inspire others, be inspired myself, think, and share with all of you. Like I had mentioned before, I love to write and I would love to use my writing in some way. This would be a good way to get started. Another reason is that in the past few months, my life changed in a pretty big way. I got my heart broken. Now I am learning life on my own after being with someone for three and a half years. I am picking up the pieces and healing. And I am trying to learn how to talk to boys and college. Also, now that I am single, I have this urge to try new things and have new experiences and learn more about me. So this is a good way for me to capture those moments, but also share them with you and hope that maybe you can learn with me too.
This blog will cover a wide variety of topics. I hope to post tips, tricks, and lessons learned. I will also be posting poems, recipes, reviews, and more! I will talk about nail polish, boys, clothes, hair, makeup, and the like.
If you are a girly girl like me, I think you will enjoy this blog. Please tell your friends!
If you have any tips, suggestions, advice for me or if you have any suggestions, requests or things you want me to try out or write about let me know! If you would like to contact me with anything please e-mail me at!
Sparkle & Shine,

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