Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sunday Sprinkle: Our Eyes Stuck

Our Eyes Stuck

It’s as if our eyes rolled around in glue,
dried up and got stuck on me; stuck on you.
The words in our minds do not come out
and become secrets whispered to our hearts.
They play in the glue and hang on by
our eyes lids. Our words taunt and tease
each other to leave us in mystery and lure us
to find out each other. To find out those secrets
we’ve been telling our hearts the whole time
we’ve been in this conversation.


Monday, April 13, 2015


In January, I completed Gala Darling’s first Mega Babe Mission. The mission was to “Write a note to ten friends telling them what you love about them.”

This mission brought out a lot. While it just says 10 friends, I kept it strictly to girls this time around.

I excitedly got my notebook out and started jotting down the names of women in my life that I admire, respect, look up to, call my best friend, have known for years, to months, to only have only hung out with a time or two, and a couple none at all, but still hold a special place in my heart.

Before I knew it, I had written over 30 names! So I decided to put a limit on myself and narrow it down to 30. Around 10 of them received handwritten cards and the other 20 were sent personal Facebook messages.

Once I started sending out the Facebook messages, the responses came flowing in. The feedback was tremendous with a couple girls saying it had made their day. That felt cool.

It didn’t take much for me to feel glad that I actually took the time one night to sit down and do this. It was a neat experience reflecting and thinking about these ladies and what I love about them. To sift through memories and how they have impacted my life.

And to think that I was able to know and tell 30 girls what I love about them astounds me. What’s even crazier is that I could have kept going! I am honored and thankful to have so many great women in my life doing amazing things and who are sweet, caring, and hilarious.

I recommend this activity to anyone. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in life and what’s happening. We rarely take the time to really think about what we love about others. What they mean to us. How they have impacted us. And sometimes, we don’t hear it enough. Some of them also replied back with their own thoughts about me, which warmed my heart. It’s feel good all around.

Are you ready to write some notes?


Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sunday Sprinkle: Lights


- street lights -
cheap wine
college town bar
you look we chat
flirt flirt flirt
talk to me
tuck my hair behind my ear
strong vodka sprite
leaning in closer
into each other to hear
straws in drinks
twirl them around
music pounding
through speakers vibrating

- stop lights -
and cross walks
people criss-crossing streets
you holding my hand
next place next drink next scene
colorful liquid and shots
maze through brimming bar
full of people and desire
dance sweat dance grind
another look another flirty remark
my hand running through my hair
exchange little secret smirks

- city lights -
you buy me another drink
pulling me closer
kissing me big
sitting on the barstool
you’ve been waiting all night
I’ve been wanting it too
crowd of people put on mute
by our drunken hearts
only me and you
my hand runs through your hair
gently bite your bottom lip
my fingers wipe the red lipstick
from around your lips
let’s get this going

- brake lights -  
and downtown buildings blurring
from the windows of the taxi
think about you think about me
look at me squeeze my hand
tip the driver
lead you in follow each other
more kisses
heat rises
you grab I grab
unbutton and unzip
flick the switch
the lamp on the night stand

- lights out -


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Bring On The Bows!

“They never go out of style,” Mariam Bahadori, 28, from Kansas City, Kansas told me about her new passion and business: bows.

A fellow Sumner Academy alumna and graduate from Kanas State University with a degree in Psychology and a masters degree from Friends University, Mariam has taken on a brand new venture.

She started her own business, Baha Bowtique, selling homemade hair bows and bow ties spanning to a vast audience of babies, children, women, men and even pets. She gives credit to her two sisters for not only some inspiration for the idea, but the name as well.
Pictured: Mariam Bahadori wearing one of her bows
While we sit in her apartment, she tells me it has been on her bucket list to start a business, but this was a little unexpected. She tried to brainstorm possibilities that could be easy to learn, make and sell. She dabbled with crocheting, but found it was too time consuming.

The Bahadori sisters are known for their hair buns and she noticed her and her sisters accenting them with bows. She explains she has always liked bows and how they are youthful. So she searched YouTube on how to create them. She found it easy to learn and decided to go with it.

Mariam told me it was when she was in the store getting fabric that she was in a group text message conversation with her siblings asking them what she should name the business. Her sisters helped her name it Baha Bowtique, which is a great play on words and it keeps the family name in the title. She likes that it is broad enough in case her sisters want to contribute other items to the business later down the road.

I quickly make a joke about them being the next Kardashian sisters in the business, but better.

Right now, her vision is: winging it.
She has been learning as she goes by following other accounts on social media that sells bows. Her goal for the next month is to create a website and become established on Etsy.

As for the bows –
Hair bows: Available in clip and headband in different sizes and styles
Bow ties: Available in clip and elastic
Pet bows: Available in elastic
Photos courtesy of Mariam Bahadori
She has an array of bows already including holiday, sports teams, Avengers comics, and more.
You can even request custom bows too!
Prices range from $2-10 right now depending on the bow. She is also able to ship them to customers out of state.

Mariam created two bows for me that were inspired by the Glitter and the Girly Girl blog and my staple cheetah print top!
Right now, she has been enjoying marketing her bows to teams of people who participate in charity races and fundraisers by incorporating different colors for different causes. There aren’t many limits to what you can do with bows.

By the end of the conversation, she was telling me how much of a perfectionist she is. There have been times she has spent hours to make sure the bows are just right or matching perfectly. She told me she has even gone back to her first few bows she created and fixed them now that she has gotten better over time. “I don’t want to sell something I wouldn’t wear,” Mariam explains.

If you are interested in purchasing bows from Baha Bowtique, you can reach Mariam on her Facebook page. Baha Bowtique also has an Instagram and Twitter. Now bring on the bows!
