Thursday, March 1, 2012

Susan B. Anthony

Today, after giving a campus tour in such beautiful weather, I checked my phone to see I had a voice mail. I listened to it and it was the woman from the Ethnic and Gender Studies department letting me know that I have been selected to receive the Susan B. Anthony scholarship. I could barely contain my excitement and tried to hold back tears. I called her back and she let me know the details of what was to come next. This coming Tuesday, there will be a ceremony where I will be introduced and even get a medal that is passed to the new person each year. There are going to be a couple other awards announced as well. I applied for the scholarship a couple weeks ago. It was for people that have impacted and educated women here at ESU. I really felt like I had a shot and even had a couple friends contact me to let me know I should apply. That made me feel like I had an even better chance. After filling out the application, answering the essay questions, and turning it in, I was selected. I am so happy and had tears of joy. Something I hadn't felt in a while. My hard work is paying off and I feel so honored to be selected due to what I have been doing for women here at ESU.

I googled Susan B. Anthony because I wanted to learn what she was all about. She worked hard for women's rights and really wanted to see women finally get the chance to vote. I believe it was 14 years after she passed away, the amendment was passed that gave women the right to vote. I also learned she would give 75-100 speeches a year for 45 years. I would be honored just to be able to give a few speeches for women. It definitely inspires me that I can do big things.

This award really means a lot to me and I am so thrilled about it. It makes me want to strive even more to impact people's lives, especially women. I hope that this is just the beginning, one of the first stepping stones, to something great and that I can have the opportunity to change people's lives and have more accomplishments like this in the future.

I thank everyone that has supported me, listened to my ideas, told me I can do it, listened to me rant, watched me cry from frustrations, and more. I've been so blessed with a great support system of loving family and friends. Thank you. :)

Sparkle & Shine,

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