Saturday, October 19, 2013

Liebster Award

This is a nice change up for my normal blog post! Eden Tullis, a fellow Hornet and blogger, nominated me for the Liebster Award! Thank you for doing this :) Her blog can be found here --> Life Scribbler

And what is the Liebster Award? It's an award distributed by bloggers for blogs with under 200 followers. Supposedly, it started in Germany, as a way for readers and bloggers to discover new blogs to follow. It connects the blogging community and helps web surfers expand their horizons!
The Rules:
1. Choose 11 other up-and-coming bloggers and link to them in your Liebster post.
2. Answer the 11 questions the previous blogger set for you, then create 11 different ones for the bloggers you will choose.
3. Let those bloggers know you nominated them.
4. No tag backs. No mulligans. No puppy guarding. Okay, just don’t tag the person who nominated you.
5. Display the Liebster logo. 

Here are the questions that Eden posted for me to answer!

1. What makes you feel most alive?
Butterflies in my stomach
Laughing uncontrollably with friends
Going on a run

2. Favorite season and why?
I can never pick one! I love them all for different reasons.

3. Sweet or sour?
Sweet for sure!

4. What's your favorite meal to fix, and where did the recipe come from?
Chicken gumbo. It’s one of my favorite meals my mom makes and she gave me the recipe. It’s one of the very few meals I know how to make so far!

5. What are five things you are grateful for?
My family
My friends
Being able to go to college especially at ESU
Every opportunity I have been blessed with that has taught me things and helped me better myself
My ability and love for writing especially poetry which is something we may need more of

6. Would you rather read or write?
Write. I love writing and creating. It’s easier for me. I also don’t have much time to read and have a hard time getting into it when I can find little time. Sometimes bothers me!

7. When and how did you start blogging?
It was January 1, 2012 when I created my blog and made the first post. It was shortly after going through a tough breakup that I wanted to start a blog to document the new and exciting experiences I was to have. I wanted to write about things girls could relate to and I would eventually learn that boys have gotten things out of my writing as well which has been a neat feeling to have.

8. Who inspires you?
My family and friends. Also, celebrities that are artistic and creative that make an impact. Then the people that I may get to work on things with such as projects, events and more. Just about anyone can inspire me in some way even for the littlest thing.

9. Who is your favorite fictional character? (TV, movies, books)
The casts of Sex & The City, Friends, and Desperate Housewives. I especially like the Sex & The City and Desperate Housewives women because I love being able to relate to them in various ways and taking things from them that I can try to apply to my life. I love Carrie Bradshaw and her career in writing. To write about life like she does would be a dream job for me! I love how witty and strong these ladies are too J

10. If you had $100 to do anything with and it didn't have to go towards necessities, what would you do with it?
I really need some new tennis shoes. Wouldn’t mind some new clothes or a new watch. Also, I’ve wanted to get a case and sleeve for my Mac!

11. Favorite condiment.
Ketchup and mustard for sure. But I would like to note that I used to hate mayonnaise, but now I finally like it and have been putting it on sandwiches!

I don't know too many people with steady blogs, but I will choose to nominate this one cool chick I know named Fallon! :)

My questions:

1. Channing Tatum or Ryan Gosling?
2. What's your drink of choice?
3. Dream job?
4. Why did you start blogging?
5. What's you favorite part of blogging?
6. Cold or hot weather?
7. Favorite color?
8. Top 3 music artists?
9. What book would you recommend to a girly girl?
10. Favorite quote?
11. Favorite Taylor Swift song?

Happy blogging!
Sparkle & Shine,

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