Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sparkle & Shine.

Sparkle & Shine.

I end every blog post with these two words. I remember deciding that I wanted to end my posts with those words as my open personal statement. Something original and created from me. Nothing like XOXO – or Until next time! or Love, Rachel. This was going to be my own signature. I wanted to use it every time and this would be my way of having consistency and something expected. As I am constantly changing and evolving, this would stay the same.

I remember only once being asked, “What does sparkle and shine mean?” Where did it come from? I remember in high school when I was going through this phase of cutting out motivational quotes and words and putting them into journals that I had. A friend and I had a collection going of things cut from magazines at one point. There was an ad for Secret deodorant and it had a phrase that deemed, “When you’re strong, you sparkle.” It was then; I fell in love with this little simple phrase. It wasn’t long after that when I had the word SPARKLE cut from a magazine that became taped to one of the mirrors in my bathroom in Kansas City.  Years later, it’s still taped there holding strong.

So I fell in love with the word sparkle. I don’t remember the light bulb moment or what made me think of it, but somehow, someway I came up “sparkle & shine.” It was probably from a cheesy poem I was trying to sketch. I love alliteration and I loved how it rolled off the tongue. Then somehow it became a part of me. It wasn’t long before I started to randomly receive little pictures and sayings like “Never let anyone dull your sparkle” and “Keep calm and sparkle on” on my Facebook wall, through tweets and text messages too. I still get them to this day and I love it each time. Even if it is one I’ve seen before. It reminds me that it’s still standing and still part of me. I was especially reminded on my birthday when I read comments left by people that incorporated the words into their birthday wishes. I’ve received a couple necklaces that say “sparkle and shine.” I even have slippers that say “sparkle” on the bottom of one and “shine” on the other.” My mom got me a shirt that says it and a floating frame with it too.

Sometimes I feel that I am still trying to figure out this even deeper meaning for it, but in the end, they are words that represent me and my identity. Something simple that makes people think of me or maybe even remember me. Sometimes I may have to think back at the very beginning with that phrase, “When you’re strong, you sparkle.” When you are strong and confident, you illuminate---you shine.

What’s your motto or your words? What do you identify with?

This is my 100th post. I can’t believe it. 100. My 100 goes to the words that have still remained over the years and become dear to me. Thank you to everyone that reads my blog. Whether it’s just one post, to some here or there, or all 100 of them. There are a lot of things going on. I have been doing a lot of writing and going through a lot of neat experiences that I can’t wait to share. So cool things to come! First, I started by changing up my layout. How do you like it? 
Here is to the next 100! Thank you everybody!

Sparkle & Shine.

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