This girl no longer has to solely use Starbucks and her bed as an office, work station, writing area, blog spot, whatever else I do that involves needing space for my work and creativity!
Welcome to the first post in what will be the series that will focus on Anna and I's new space. It will be called
Apartment Life and will conveniently be a label in my "
Scattergories" section of my blog.
Now, let's get to talkin'.
When designing my room and figuring out what I wanted it to be, I had an itch to get a desk. I had realized that I never really owned my own desk. This past year living at home, I had taken a lot of trips to Starbucks, which slowly felt like my office when I was working on blog posts, writing articles, and job searching. When I was home, my bed also acted as an office with my Mac constantly on my lap and my pens on my night stand.
I knew I had to separate my work and creativity from where I am supposed to relax and sleep.
Eventually you will see different areas of my room and apartment, but for now, I'll just mention things. In my mind, my color palette for my room would be black, white, grey, teal, while incorporating pops of color. The bulk of my furniture is black. And deep down, I just knew a white desk would be fabulous.
I had seen desk chairs while at IKEA with Anna when we were shopping for other things. I originally had my eyes on a multicolor swivel chair, but the thing cost about double of the price of the desk. I couldn't do it. I was talking with my friend, Kelsie, who is passionate about this kind of stuff and also experiencing a move of her own. We both talked about the awesome clear acrylic chair we had both seen at IKEA. The more I looked at it and after testing it out, I knew it was the perfect match for my desk.
Interesting tidbit: IKEA labels the clear chair as a dining chair. (Makes breaking that category fun.)
Now for the even better part: Decorating it!
Both desk and chair is from IKEA |
I actually didn't have to buy very much for my desk. I used a lot of things that I already had. Pictured:
- I have my agenda and Mac as the main focus.
- Kleenex brand tissues in a blue chevron print.
- The clock is an alarm clock I got while in college that is somehow still running on the same batteries since about Sophomore year! I found buried in a box while going through my things and packing for the move. I actually like it a lot on my desk!
- The desk plaque with my name on it was from when I worked in the Office of the President at Emporia State University.
- Glitter coaster came in a set from Bath & Body Works, which were a birthday gift from Anna!

- The pen holder I bought for my freshman year dorm when I had a dorm desk!
- The trophy is "The Coco Chanel Award" I won while an Ambassador at ESU. It reminds me of my girly-girl-stylish side. ;)
- The Pink Power Ranger is a toy I had when I was a little girl and obsessed. My dad found it in the basement while I was in college and I took it back to Emporia with me where I had it on my dresser. It graced my shelf while back home last year and has a new place on my desk!
- Dress post-its are were from Target.
- Confetti is from the Katy Perry concert last summer.
- Fresh flowers from Trader Joe's.
- Bright yellow letter sorter to organize receipts and mail from Target.
- Polka dot notepad was part of a graduation gift from my aunt.
- New "Girls Rule" notebook from Shop

When looking for the right desk for me, I knew I wanted a lot of storage space because I just have a lot of stuff. I love these shelves and that there are two more shelves on the other side to put more books, magazines, and knickknacks in!
I wanted to display a few of my favorite girl power books and magazines on the front shelves. The telephone was a gift from my aunt that actually can plug into my iPhone and works as a real phone!
Here is a peek inside my drawer. I love that I can stash my Vera Bradley laptop sleeve in here when I am not using it to travel. I also appreciate how deep the desk is that I can have my big pack of colored paperclips in there. I also have my headphones, post its, and extension cords for my charger in there.
You have no idea how excited I was to put all of this together and how anxious I have been to show my Glitter Readers! What do you think? Anyone going to give their desk a makeover?