There has been silence on my blog. There has been a pause in my writing. Know that it's not me losing interest or giving up or forgetting about my blog. It's actually kind of the opposite.
I noticed that my blog posts the last couple months have been inconsistent and almost even non-existent. I've done the natural thing to worry about my online presence as it feels like it's getting dusty. I've worried that people think I have given up or called it quits on my blog. Nope. Still glittering.
If you read my new year post, New Year, Better Me, I write a lot about wanting to be better this year. This is my post to let you know that I haven't given up on that goal. I reflected on what this period is and I have been titling it, Learning Season.
I have been learning a lot. In all sorts of aspects. Just like I want to.
I started this blog while I was in college and healing from a heartbreak. I learned a lot in college and I continued to share that on Glitter & The Girly Girl.
I started to feel like I pretty much mastered the art of majoring in my extracurricular activities and minoring in classes (and did it well). I found my voice as a girl with a passion for women empowerment, body image, and other girly issues.
I even felt like I knew just about every in and out, nook and corner of the single life. I picked apart, put together, analyzed, categorized and romanticized almost every angle, view, and page of dating life for my age group. From breakups, hookups, drunken nights, flirty texts, friends with benefits, and every side to the word "cheat."
I was constantly observing and writing as a single woman for four years. That's a chunk of time. That's a whole high school career and college (if you are lucky).
But now those chapters are done and written. I am back in class, starting new beginnings, and learning a lot of new things that take a lot of time and patience and strength. I don't know a lot of things, but I am trying to learn a lot of good and valuable stuff so I can then share it all here, with you.I've typically been very open about my life on the Internet. But I have enjoyed experiencing, learning, and making progress in private. It makes me more excited to reveal and write in retrospect and after the fact of accomplishing goals I have for this year. So a lot of my future posts at first will be written in the past tense.
So know that I am not done with Glitter & The Girly Girl. I am just in a learning season. I've been excited, enthusiastic, and constantly trying to be proactive despite overwhelm, fear, and the general growing pains that come with learning something new. Especially when I am learning in multiple areas of my life.
Can't wait to write again. I know it's going to be great. I just need to be patient. :)
Inspired to do your own learning season? What new things are you learning?