Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Garage Sale

Growing up, I never went to garage sales. It just wasn't my thing. As I was getting stuff for college (I can't believe it was a couple years ago!) my roommate, Paige, was telling me of all the things she was getting from garage sales for our room. Me, on the other hand, was taking trips to Target, buying all brand new things. I just kind of had this snobby attitude when it came to garage sales because I am picky about my things. I like them brand new, not used. And I would think, who knows what has been done with the things or who has touched them! But here I was just last week finding myself being invited to a big garage sale to support the Piper robotics team. I went to support with my best friend, Sammie and I ended up falling in love with a picture frame and a wine bottle that we managed to get for a couple bucks! You should have seen me get excited over these things. Once we got back to my house, I showed them to my mom and immediately got to work by changing the dull picture out of the frame and putting in my poster from the Taylor Swift's concert until I find (or make) something even better to put in the frame. I picked a place for it in my room and put the wine bottle right by it. These pieces make me feel...glamorous. And I got them used and for a couple bucks. That is what makes it magical. I have a tendency to be a little materialistic with a hint of expensive taste and here I am feeling happy, girly, and glamorous over these things I got for cheap and that we're even used. Something I am not used to. Something very new. It opened my eyes, got me out of my comfort zone, and got me actually pretty excited to see what I can possibly find at other garage sales. It also got me thinking. I was excited about this new step as it continues my growth as a woman. I've wondered what their stories are; these items. Did the frame hang in someone's bedroom? Maybe a bathroom or dining room? What were the owners like? Who did the designs on the wine bottle? These things have a past which got me thinking even deeper. I'm now at an age where we have pasts. In high school, when you first start dating and you get your first boyfriend or girlfriend, everything seems brand new. First boyfriend or girlfriend, first kiss ever, first time meeting the parents, first break up. As I've gotten to know others, I've finally accepted that people have pasts. They've already had their first kiss, they've met parents, they've had their heart broken. We aren't brand new anymore to the dating world. Everyone probably has at least one mark on their heart just like one of the screws in the back of my frame was broken. But it's okay, because I love it anyway. I fell in love with that frame and took it home with me. It's kind of the same for us. We may fall in love with someone that has a past...and unexpectedly perhaps just like I unexpectedly fell in love with that frame and wine bottle at that garage sale.

Sparkle & Shine,

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