Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Searching: The Scary Parallels of Job Hunting and Dating, A Satire by Rachel Marshall

As a recent college graduate and early twenty-something, there is a lot of searching going on. The last few years, I have been searching for myself, the perfect major, and what I am good at it. Now I am searching for my first big-girl job. Oh, and I am also supposed to be searching for the right guy for me too. It’s exhausting. But, I am finding out the scary parallels between these two pretty pivotal life searches.

What people tell you…
Job Searching
Something will come up soon. You are great! A company would be thrilled to have you. You’re pretty. You’ll have no trouble finding a job. With your resume, you will find something in no time.

Someone will come along. You are great! A guy would be lucky to have you. You’re pretty. You’ll have no trouble finding a guy. With everything you’ve got going for you, you will find someone.

How are you still single? might as well turn into the new How are you still unemployed?

LinkedIn is like the of job searching.
I was on LinkedIn the other day when I saw that a company I had applied to a couple weeks ago had shared the job posting for the position I had applied for “an hour ago”. I felt awkward. It stung me, had me self-conscious, and in a way, bummed. Even my job searching social media hurt a little like when I see a guy I really liked upload a picture with his new girl on Facebook. Am I not good enough? You need to see other candidates first? Other girls? Can’t escape!

The same technological anxieties exist for both. The did my text message go through? can be the equivalent to did they get my application? Do we wait for them to contact us first?

The Big Debate
So, who wants to debate which is worse? Because you know, there is that weird idea some people have that being single is one of the most awful things in the world. I am currently both, single and unemployed. (Please, no pity parties.) I have been looking at both sides and so far this is what I have come up with.

I can’t snuggle with a job and it can’t kiss me either. I guess in some cases and depending on the job, I could maybe take it home with me. But in the job search, there is so much silence. I like conversation. I have to try to make my first impression with a cover letter and resume. They are so black and white. It makes it challenging to show my personality.

But I kind of need a job to live. I need it for the basics of you know, food, shelter, and other necessities. If I had a job, I could simply take myself out on dates if I wanted to.

This whole debate could be over if I simply found a rich man that sweeps me off my feet and the need for a job just vanishes. But I am not about that life. *insert sassy hand emoji*
Other Thoughts

Even rejection is similar these days. Some places don’t even bother to tell you they aren’t interested. It’s the same as the guy you had been seeing that stops texting you and eventually falls off the map without telling you a thing. Bye?

I guess finding a person/job is very similar because you have to like them and they have to like you too?

There are no articles on the Internet telling you how fabulous the unemployment life is and listing 25 reasons why. In fact, I went to Google and started typing in, “reasons why being” and Google started to try to finish my sentence with the first option as “reasons why being single is good.” See?

I continued to type the rest and once I started typing, “unemployed is,” Google had the options of “is bad, is a good thing, is depressing, is great.” I clicked on “great” to see what it would give me.
I selected the top article, “18 Good Reasons You are Still Unemployed” and I am still wondering why they bothered including the word, “good” in the title. Those tricksters. In short, the article pretty much suggested you are not doing enough, interview poorly, and maybe not doing it right. It also pointed out that you may be depressed, angry, or your attitude just stinks. But if you get over these things, you “will usually land in a hurry.” I am not kidding.

You can see for yourself, here.

I have close friends that are in the same boat as me living both single and unemployed. We are paddling hard and feeling like we are going against the water. But we should know that the sea of Life’s drift will keep us moving. And if we get knocked down or out of the boat, as Dory says, “just keep swimming, just keep swimming” or rather we shall say, “just keep searching, just keep searching.” Keep searching, keep talking, keep working. Ahoy!


P.S. Oh, but while I am here. I am a young, outgoing, and determined hard-working lady. I have a degree in Communication with an emphasis in Public Relations. I love writing, social media, and public speaking. My online portfolios can be accessed at and I have a lot of experience. Want to see my resume? :) 

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