Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday Sprinkle: Enough


Was I not enough?

Was I not enough?
We ask this when our boyfriends cheat on us.
When he moves on to the next girl so quickly.
Is she enough?

Didn’t I do enough?

Didn’t I do enough?
I worked hard in college.
I got good grades and was involved.
Networked and met people.

Why isn’t it enough?

Why isn’t it enough?
Why is there always something more we could be doing?
There is always someone better than us
and there is always someone better for us.

Why isn’t it good enough?

Why isn’t it good enough?
It’s not fast enough, she isn’t pretty enough, and he’s not tall enough.
There isn’t enough money.
Not enough time.

It’s hard to say, I’ve had enough
and it’s hard to say, I am enough.

I say, enough of this bullshit.


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