Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Things I Could Do List

I can finally stop resisting fall and fully embrace it now that it actually began last week. I have already tried a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte for the first time and I even tried their brand new Toasted Graham Latte the day it came out. My nails are a dark purple and our fall "Welcome" mat is now on our doorstep. So let's proceed to the good stuff.

I am one of those suckers for changes in seasons and new months and heck, sometimes new weeks. My life has been far from chill and alone time has been non-existent. This last weekend though, I finally booked a weekend for myself and said no to pretty much any invite that came my way. This included 3 different P&L happy hours, I might add.

So last weekend I decided to devote its entirety to getting s#!t stuff done as well as letting myself relax and do things I love. By the end of it, I was feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and accomplished. But how did I keep myself on track?

Lists are a love of mine. I need them. So my cluttered brain can remember what the heck I need to do and to help my distracted mind stay somewhat focused. Over the weekend, I had some errands I had to run and things I did have planned at a certain time, but the rest was going to be guided by my "Things I Can Do This Weekend" list.

It was broken into categories: Errands, Blog, Adulting, Random

I wrote down anything and everything I could think of that I have been wanting to get done for months, had put off, or just wanted to do. As soon as I got home from work that Friday, I excitedly hung it up on the fridge and happily highlighted things I completed as I finished them. It was a nice visual and a great central place to be seen and reminded.

One thing I really like about this idea, this list, is that it wasn't so daunting being called a "to-do" list where it makes me feel like I have to get everything done. It's a "things I could do" list. I had all these things I could do and refer to throughout the weekend. There was no way I could have any time to be bored.

I didn't get every single thing done, but I did accomplish a lot and even more that wasn't on the list too. I enjoyed my weekend so much and loved the feeling of tackling a bunch of stuff finally. So I made you your own "Things I Could Do" list that you can use for a weekend or a whole week. Whatever time frame would work best for your schedule!

Feel free to save the image or if you prefer to have a PDF version, give me your email in the comment section below or contact me at thegirlygirl@theglitterylife.com and I will send it your way!

Let me know how your list goes and how you feel afterward!

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  1. OMG! I need to try this. I have a lot going on in the next week. What about turning this post into a one-time link up or something?

    1. Hey, Noor! Thanks for stopping by and reading! I've never actually done a link up before. I don't know how to do them! Please shoot me an email about details :) thegirlygirl@theglitterylife.com
