Friday, September 28, 2012

Lady Gaga

Hate her or love her. That's usually how people feel. She is very out there, different, outrageous, weird, ridiculous and everything in between. I used to be on the fence about her for awhile. I would sometimes enjoy her music while other times be annoyed by her. I told myself I needed to make a decision and I was going to do so fairly. Around May 2011, I watched her HBO Monster Ball special concert. I also bought her Born This Way album and listened to all the songs. I started to fall in love. I learned more about her over time and listened to her older music and loved that too.

For my Advanced Public Speaking class, our first speech was to be an informative one. I decided to do mine over Lady Gaga and her philanthropy efforts and work as an activist. I researched her more and my admiration deepened. Did you know that she was able to play the piano by the age of 4 and was granted early admission (which was only granted to 20 students around the world) to attend New York University's Tisch school of the arts? She has worked on the "It Gets Better" campaign which was a YouTube hit that was supported by numerous celebrities and people from the gay community. It is letting the gay community know that high school does suck, but it gets better when you grow older. She eventually created her own thing which is called The Born This Way Foundation which promotes and kinder and braver world, is against bullying, and offers help. You can get involved with the mission in different ways and also donate money to fight against bullying. She created this with her mom and it was officially launched at Harvard this year. It shouldn't be too surprising that she was bullied a lot growing up, so it is something that is personal to her. I love that she is using her fame and reputation to put it towards something good. A 14-year-old boy took his life last year due to being bullied because of his sexuality. He had made a tribute to Lady Gaga before the event. She found out about it and made a trending topic on Twitter in support of him and wanted to meet with President Obama to talk about the issue of bullying.

Some also dislike her music and may not think she is a good singer or have any talent. She doesn't lip sync at her concerts and on her Thanksgiving Special she had some great pieces that I love and wish I could have on my iPod! I looked up some videos from before she became Lady Gaga and was still Stafani Germanotta. There is some very raw good music that can give you some chills!
Here is some stuff you can watch!

Here is the It Gets Better campaign video. I sometimes tear up watching this because it warms my heart so much. I loved seeing my class smile and respond to this video during my speech.
This is my favorite performances on her Thanksgiving Special. She talks about being bullied in parts of this. Really cool video and shows some of her personality.
This is her performing while at NYU. It is composed and performed by her. I am in love with the first song and her voice is amazing in this. Wish I had this on my iPod too!
She tweeted this picture today and I love it because she looks so normal and like everyone else. She looks beautiful and I am loving the brunette hair :)
She is definitely a leader and doing amazing things to let people know they are great the way they are because "God makes no mistakes." I definitely look up to her and she is an inspiration to me. She is a strong woman that chased her dreams and wants to make a difference.

P.S. I got an A on my speech over her :)

Sparkle & Shine,

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

22 Ways To Build Self Esteem & Self Love

I found this online last year as I was preparing for one of the very first BUILD Beauty meetings last year and I revisited it again as I was preparing the very first Freshman Night this year. I fell more in love with it and I feel like everyone needs to read through it and actually incorporate at least some or better yet ALL of these things if possible in their lives. Okay, maybe all of them at least once? Just try!
Here it is. 22 things you can do to help your self esteem and better your life. These little things and changes you can make will really make a difference in your life. I have put in some of my input on things I have done or my thoughts on some of the tips. I hope you try it out and it helps you! Let me know what you think or if any of them impacted you! Email me at 

Self Esteem Tips

1. Set an intention. Before you get out of bed, decide what kind of day you want to have. Make a deliberate, conscious decision about how you want to create your day. Write it down. Play a little with how it might feel. When you get up, act accordingly. Remind yourself throughout the day of your intention. Look for ways your intention is playing out in your world. Suggested intention: Today is full of joyful miracles!

How many times have you thought to yourself, this is going to be a bad day? And then it turns out to be a bad day? How you think about your day and how it will go will dramatically help how it turns out. No, you can't control if your tire decides to go flat or stop that accidental coffee spill, but you can control your attitude about the day and how you react to those situations. 

2. Be true to yourself. Live your life doing what feels right to you, not what someone else thinks you should do. It’s ok to listen to advice, but in the end, make the decision that feels best for you. Being a people pleaser is a very frustrating way to live. Get in the habit of pleasing yourself. You are responsible for your own happiness. Your feelings are important. "Our self-respect tracks our choices. Every time we act in harmony with our authentic self and our heart, we earn our respect. It is that simple. Every choice matters." ~Dan Coppersmith

3. Change your mental diet. Read uplifting books. Listen to uplifting tapes and CDs and attend uplifting workshops. What you focus on expands. What you put your attention on becomes more real. So focus on what you want to create, on what makes you happy. Don’t focus on negativity. Stop watching the news. Avoid whiners and complainers. Walk away.

4. Be aware of what your monkey mind, the voice in your head, is saying. Widen back and observe your thoughts. If a particular thought isn't kind or isn’t serving you, note this and redirect your focus to what you are wanting. This may take a bit of practice. Remember to be kind to yourself as you are gaining awareness and strengthening your will.

5. Upgrade your physical diet. Processed foods contain very little nutritional value when compared to raw, organic fruits and vegetables. Eat fresh produce rather than processed foods whenever possible. Drink plenty of water, fresh juices and smoothies instead of caffeinated beverages or energy drinks. Add nutrient dense superfoods to your diet. When you take care of your body by supplying it with good nutrients, you will naturally feel better and have more energy.

6. Stop comparing yourself to others. You are not supposed to be like anyone else. You are you. You are the only one who can be you. Your perspectives, gifts and value are exclusively yours. You are a unique expression of God. Revel in it! If you want something to measure yourself by, compare how you were yesterday to how you are today, and be kind.

7. Create an uplifting environment for yourself. This can be joyful colors, uplifting music, nature photos, plants, uplifting posters, open windows… you decide. Wear clothes that you feel good in.

8. Celebrate your successes. Even the small ones. Don't wait to get perfect. Any progress at all is worthy of celebration. When you celebrate, you are telling the universe “I am loving this. Please give me more!” Yay!

This is so important and I have been stressing this a lot this year to BUILD Beauty girls. It is not a crime to reward yourself even with the most simple thing as a bubble bath, coffee, or extra time to read a book. Last week, I had a great productive night at the library and I was excited because I thought to myself, you know what, I am going to go home and enjoy some oreos and milk. Let the little things excite you!

9. Be grateful. You have much to be grateful for. Before you go to bed each night, write down ten things you are grateful for that day and why. This is an important step. Gratitude alone can turn things around for you. What are you grateful for right now?

I recently made a blog post about my happiness journal. This is very similar to that. I would choose what you prefer. You can do whatever you like whether it is a gratitude or happiness journal. You can learn more about my happiness journal experience in my past blog post about it!

10. Create a list of accomplishments and review it often. We tend to get overwhelmed looking at what’s left to be done and forget to give ourselves credit for how far we’ve already come.

11. Don’t take yourself, or life, too seriously. Lighten up. Dare to have fun. “Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly” ~ G.K Chesterton

This is something I need to remind myself to do!

12. Learn something new. Become an expert. Get curious and learn all there is to learn about what interests you. Learning is growing, and it feels good.

13. Do things that stretch your comfort zone. Anytime you feel fear, as long as it isn't life threatening, is an opportunity to grow! "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." ~Anais Nin

14. Do something nice for yourself. You deserve it! Maybe a massage, a bath or nap. Take yourself out on a date. Treat yourself with the same honor, courtesy, respect and kindness you would if you were taking someone else out that you really, really liked. The key here is to enbrace and enjoy the experience. Feeling guilty defeats the purpose.

15. Do something nice for someone else. Volunteer. Being of service, without expectation of reward, feels really good.

16. Spend time regularly doing things you find joyful. What make your heart sing? Do more of it! Remember being happy is not a selfish act. Your joy is a gift to the world! When you feel joyful, your joy is contagious.

17. Do something physical. Clean out a closet. Get out of the house. Go for a walk. Do some gardening. Visit the nature preserve. Exercise. Fly a kite. Ride a bike. Exercise produces endorphins that help you feel better. Also, being outdoors in the sunshine helps the body produce vitamin D, which contributes to a healthier, happier you.

Last year we had a couple trainers from the student recreation center come speak at BUILD Beauty about fitness and one girl said to us, "have you ever left the gym unhappy and mad that you went?" Seriously. I don't find anything negative about going to the gym. Try it!
Also, on the subject of cleaning out a closet. I also believe that when there is clutter around you, it clutters you inside as well. It makes it harder to focus and clutters your thoughts. You should see how you feel after picking up for even just 5 minutes. 

18. Spend time with supportive, uplifting people. We do exist!

Text me, email me, message me, whatever you gotta do and I will try to give you some encouragement!

19. Create positive affirmations about yourself. Post them about your home. Say them often and out loud.

I have a friend that is posting post its with positive affirmations about herself on one of her walls. I suggest using the bright colored ones :)

20. Allow yourself to be where you are. Just feel whatever you are feeling, without judging it or judging yourself for feeling it. Let go of the story you have created around it and just be with the feeling. Embrace it. Explore it. Feel it. All any feeling wants is to be felt fully. This can only be done when you let go of your resistance to feeling it, which is kept in place by the story and the judgment around it. Without the story and the labels, feelings are inherently neutral. Feel the feeling fully, then just let it dissolve.

21. Remind yourself often you are a miraculous, sacred, perfect expression of Life. Amazing, incredible you are worthy and loved always, without having to do a thing.

22. Spend some time just being. This is much easier in Nature. Go camping. Take a walk. Climb a tree. Sit by a stream. Put up a hammock and climb in. In reconnecting with the Earth and Nature, we slow down and have time for some inner reflection. Priorities become clearer. Who you truly are is more easily recognized here.

I hope you will think of these and try them out. See what differences it makes! I would love to hear about them. :)

Sparkle & Shine,

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Do It Yourself: Banana Face Mask

For BUILD Beauty, we made these college go to guides and we included a banana face mask you can make at home. I decided to try it out the other night and fell in love. It is very simple and leaves you feeling quite refreshed!

All you need:
1 banana
1 tsp. of honey

How to:
Mash up the banana with the honey and apply it to your cleansed face. Avoid your eyes!
Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rise.

I do advise laying down to do this. I used a spoon to spread it all over my face and then laid down to avoid it dripping. It may help to have a friend put it on your face while you lay down. It will harden up a little after some time passes.

I hope that you can try it out sometime because it sure feels good! :)


Sparkle & Shine,

Monday, September 3, 2012

Dream Bigger

There is a guy that sits on this ledge in a pretty prime spot on campus with a white board that has a quote written on it at least once a week. He reportedly used to attend Emporia, but does not anymore. I had him in a class my freshman year, but word on campus is that he does not actually attend classes anymore. He is known to some as the “Free Hugs” guy, but he never really talks to anyone as they pass by. He just sits there with his board with a quote he jotted down on it for the day. The first quote he had this school year was, “If your dreams don’t scare you enough, then you need to dream BIGGER!” This confirmed to me that I needed to stop thinking about blogging about the need to dream bigger and actually do it!
This whole idea of dreaming bigger came to me as I was standing in the admissions office by my desk last spring. I had just found out that BUILD Beauty would be expanding and becoming official at K-State. It was just a week or two after Easter when my aunt had asked me if I wanted to expand it to other colleges eventually. I decided then when I replied to her that I was going to make it a goal for it to happen before I graduated college. Here I was a sophomore and it was already happening. That’s when I thought I needed to dream bigger.
Last year I had come back from the CASE ASAP conference in Nashville with ideas galore that I wanted to make happen at ESU. I made a board of all my ideas that I even decorated with glitter of course and I presented it to our executive board in hopes that some of these ideas could actually happen. I had some success getting the Pay It Forward program going, but there was another idea I was really excited about that didn’t get to happen. It was the T-Shirt exchange. We had managed to get a little funding for it, but not enough, so it was put on the back burner for the rest of the year. A few days before retreat, our adviser called and told me that we would have money for it this year and she wanted us to decide on it at the retreats that week so we could get them ordered and ready to go by the first football game which was August 30th. It was decided we would try it out and the shirts were ordered a week before we needed them to start doing the exchange two days before the big game. They arrived the day before we needed them!
We ordered 500 shirts. 100 would be used Tuesday in the Memorial Union, the same for Wednesday and then another 100 would be used before the game at our tailgating area. We encouraged students to bring in a shirt from another college and they could swap it out for an ESU shirt. If they didn’t have that or didn’t want to give up their shirt, they could buy one for $5. On the first day in Memorial Union, we started at 10am and we were down to just 4 shirts by 12:30pm. We ended up with a full box of t-shirts and made a good amount of money! The second day all 100 shirts were gone by 12:00pm! We decided to take 150 shirts to the game and got rid of almost all of the shirts then as well. It was really successful overall and it got a lot of people talking. The shirts will be donated to shelters in Emporia which makes it a win-win for everyone. It warms my heart that it is also for a good cause too.
It was cool to see it come to life and see students wearing these shirts to class, around campus, and to the football game. I thought back to the poster in which I had the idea decorated with glitter and now here it was happening before my eyes.
Emporia State has really shown me that you can make dreams come true. You need to put in some work, have trust in your team, have faith that it will turn out okay and don’t give up! You have to take chances, ask questions, and speak up. Sometimes you have to take the imitative if you want to see it happen. I have been blessed to have the opportunity to do all the things I have been doing. I am going to continue to dream bigger and expand myself even more. Dreams can be small, such as the T-shirt exchange. It is not a dream like becoming the first woman president. It is fine to have small dreams that can be achievable because man does it feel good when you do achieve them. Now I am not saying you can’t dream to be the first woman president. This whole blog is about dreaming BIG! If that is what you want to chase after, then start running! I just want to let you know that you can have dreams whether they are big or small and you don't need to be a certain age. My mom is now making bags and selling them at a dance studio. It is neat to see them as she makes them at home and then see them hang on the rack at the studio to be bought! Anything is possible. They are still dreams, they are still yours, and it will feel great when they come true for you. They can happen, you just need to chase after them!
Sparkle & Shine,
The board with my ideas. There is the T-Shirt Exchange on there!
The t-shirts came to life!
Day 1 of the exchange. First box of t-shirts from other colleges.
Day 2 of the exchange. Another full box of shirts!
Some of the ambassadors working the table at our tailgating area, The Black Hole!