Monday, June 29, 2015


You got that James Dean, daydream look in your eye…


We aren't talking Taylor Swift songs in this post.

It's actually going to be about STYLE. It's been on my mind a lot this year. I finally accepted the fact that people think I am a stylish person and instead of trying not to believe it, I decided to embrace it. Then the big girl job came up so I really had to up my fashion game with business clothes and wearing makeup almost every single day of the week. (A foreign concept to me)

But let me tell you, I'm having a blast. I had already been stretching my style during college, then even more with the progress I made with my workouts, then more with Miss Kansas USA, and now the corporate world.

I've been learning a lot from contouring to the fact that style isn't just about what you are wearing today. Style encompasses a lot of your life. Gala Darling takes style in a whole lot of directions in her blog post, Style Is The Way You Live Your Life.

Along the lines of her post, I have been trying hard not to break the bank as I am attempting to build a "big girl" wardrobe. I have finally built a good foundation of basics and have been challenging myself to use the same outfits, but accessorizing them to be very different looks (because I don't like looking the same way over and over). It's so. much. fun.

Here are a few examples:

Right - A top bun and bold dangly earrings for an edgy sleek look
Curls and a bold chunky necklace made the dress more feminine and girly - Left
#FunFact - My sister actually gave me this dress! I didn't even pick it out :)
Right - A braided bang, long string necklace, and black heels to tie in with the black waistband
The black blazer makes it even more polished and professional and ties in the waistband. So I played with white by connecting the dots (literally), the necklace, and heels. - Left 

From now on, I will try to incorporate STYLE into my future posts. I will also have an album "Look Book" on my Facebook page that will be my home base for all kinds of different looks of mine. This will be a place for anyone to browse my looks, get style inspiration, ask questions, and more!

To end this post, I would like to show how much of a contrast you can make with your looks and how cool it is that a person can be versatile with their style. What's your style? What looks do you typically like to pull off? Tell me!

Pretty & Feminine
Sleek & Chic
Bold & Edgy
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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday Sprinkle: The Dating Scene

                                    The Dating Scene

                                                      We’re both sitting against the wall
                                                      not saying anything at all.

                                                      The life and the party still going on
                                                      and nothing is louder than this song.

                                                      I look and I can see it in your face
                                                      as you wonder if I’m worth the chase.

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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Putting Too Much Weight Into A Number

In these two pictures I weighed about the same. Maybe a poundish off, if that. With this post, I want to be an example to girls on how the scale shouldn’t be the end all or be all when it comes to our bodies. In the first picture, it was when I had realized I was in a time of my life where I had let my body get a little out of control, which started to make me feel self-conscious about myself. In the second picture, my body is a lot different.

When I trained for Miss Kansas USA, I had conquered those [Ten] pounds I had wanted to lose. But last week, the scale tried to tell me that all those pounds had missed me and came back. I knew not to fall for that. The training that I did and have continued to carry on (but not as intense at the moment) even after the pageant has changed my body a lot. My shoulders are defined, I have lines I didn’t know I could have, my back is pretty sculpted, my legs have a lot more muscle and shape, and now I even have a butt. (Something that I’ve been made fun of for years, but have enjoyed the recent compliments!)
Weight gain from pageant weekend in November to June 19
So maybe the “price I am paying” to have these cool features I’ve never had before is that my number on the scale is a little more. As women, we put so much weight (pun intended. I am not going to try to hide it) into the number we see on the scale, but I like to feel my body instead of look at the number. 

Please ladies, instead of looking down at the scale, look up at the mirror and see the progress in your body. There is so much more than that number. How are your clothes fitting? How does that dress look on you now?

This picture was snapped just over the weekend and thought it was a good visual of lines and muscles I have even with this "weight gain."

Ending with story time:

You know how Five Guys gives you a sack of fries pretty much? Well I ate them all. All of them. And even the whole cheeseburger tonight. And I have some Ben & Jerry’s ice cream waiting for me in the freezer before bed. For real though. OK. Bye! #NotApologizingForThatOne

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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Stop To Watch The Lightning Bugs

Move over, locust bugs! Lightning bugs are officially twinkling! Life for me went from a pretty casual cruise to 100mph. You will eventually find out why soon enough, but needless to say, I've been constantly on the go. I am trying not to neglect eating, sleeping, and shaving. My only break today was to watch the premiere of Big Brother (still cooling off from watching Clay in action) and my pre-dinner was a bag of popcorn and Mountain Dew.

I finally had some of Mom's leftover delicious baked ziti and made myself sit on the front porch and watch the lightning bugs sprinkled throughout our neighborhood yards. I am starting to think lightning bugs might be on my top 10 list of my most favoritest things in the world.

On Saturday, I hosted our 5-year high school reunion. Like, what? Here was my glam look for the occasion. I went for a sleek straight hair look with one side completely tucked behind my ear. Bangs swooped to the other side. So a pair of earrings went to one ear!

I changed my lock screen on my phone and wallpaper on my Mac to this super cute background over the weekend. As I opened my Mac to type this blog tonight, I realized I hadn't opened it since Sunday. Now that is too long and a weird feeling for me. A big sign of how busy I have been!
The wallpaper is part of Shop Ban.Do's free downloads and I am in love!

With how busy work has been and everything else going on, just know that I will be feeling like this on the inside for at least the next 3-ish weeks or maybe until after the big event at work is over with in August!

Goodnight, sleep tight,
let the lightning bugs shine bright!
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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sunday Sprinkle: How The Dictionary Discouraged Me

How the Dictionary Discouraged Me

My lack of vocabulary has me discouraged.
Maybe I should have stuck to reading the dictionary that day
as an aspiring 8-year-old wanting to know everything about the world.
I didn’t even get through A.
Maybe I got discouraged.
Or maybe I had gymnastics practice to get to.
Now I wonder what eloquent words I can use in my poetry
because I am discouraged thinking my poems about puppy love,
immature boys, bars, and my broken heart won’t be good enough.
Now they’re really going to think I’m a beauty queen.
I’ve heard you can’t let rejection letters discourage you
and that it means you are one step closer to getting published.
22-years-old and I barely know an inkling of the world,
but I still have the 8-year-old aspirations to know everything I possibly can.
It’s when I think about all the books I still haven’t read, the songs I haven’t listened to,
and the movies I haven’t seen that I get discouraged again. The world is so big.
It’s all about time and what I do with it, really, though.
All this time I have been writing this poem,
I could have looked up synonyms for discouraged in the thesaurus,
which would give this poem flavor, but instead,
I chose to use [discouraged] as a motif.
Did you catch any alliteration earlier? Hmm.
…So maybe I have learned something since being 8-years-old.
Things a dictionary certainly couldn’t teach.
When I wasn’t reading the dictionary, I was experiencing things.
Things I can write about in the first place.
The dictionary won’t read my poetry anyway.
It’s you that I need to relate to.
I can go to the dictionary for help if I need it.
What I need is to continue living life.
You know, that doesn’t sound discouraging.
More like the antonym: inspiring

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Friday, June 19, 2015

Bloody Marys, Music, Buttons, Mascara

What. A. Week.
I must say I did a lot of "adulting" this week. Which led me to daydream and want this tonight. So I went and got a damn bloody mary myself! (Another experience I'll have to share in a future blog post)
I've had three different people tell me three different reasons for the shot of beer. Any other guesses?

Can we take a quick second to think about the fact that Hilary Duff came out with a brand new album this week as well?! I went and got it on Tuesday when it came out. Nebraska Furniture Mart didn't even have it out yet at 7PM…… So after months of waiting and all the delays, I was delayed another 15ish minutes while I waited for them to unpack it! I have had it on repeat. I am digging "My Kind", "Confetti" (surprised?", "Breathe In. Breathe Out." and "Tattoo." I've been liking "Sparks" for months since it came out as a single. ;) Anyone else purchase the album? What are your favorites?

She might have been my #WCW this week on Insta. Follow me at glitterandthegirlygirl!
I created my first button for Glitter and the Girly Girl! (Kind of geeking out.) You can find it on the right hand side! If you have a blog, please feel free to put my button on yours. :) I've been having fun learning so much about blogs and what you can do with them besides simply publishing posts.

Lately, I have been digging the half topknot that's in style.

I have also laid off the eyeliner yesterday as pictured above and today, pictured below, to go for a different eye look. I am having my eyes and mascara do their thang. It's a nice change up. I also tried a slick back hairstyle today as well.

And speaking of mascara…on Monday, I asked for recommendations on a Facebook status and over 20 different recommendations later, I bought my first 2 new ones tonight! L'Oreal Miss Manga and Maybelline Pumped Up! Colossal. I am anxious to give them a try! I wish I could buy them all :) I loved getting all the feedback and I plan on doing more of those since I am wearing makeup more for work and have found out how uneducated I am in that department!

Things that have made my week besides the adulting stuff
The Hilary Duff album
My new planner came in the mail (!!!) blog post to come!
A fitness class I like to go to was cancelled last minute so me and a few other "regular ladies" worked out together and it was a neat women empowerment feeling
Spontaneously bought Lena Dunham's Not That Kind of Girl book I've been curious about and hope to actually find an inkling of time here and there to read

I feel like there is a lot happening and coming up and I will be sure to share soon enough. Have a great weekend and drink a bloody mary for me. :) #currentobsessions 

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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

That One Time I Tried Out For Big Brother

Since day 1, I have been a fan of the reality TV gameshow, Big Brother. For years, I have watched alliances form and heard the phrase, "Hey Julie" hundreds of times.

It was last year when my brother and oldest nephew did their formal pitch over dinner on why I should try out for the next season of Big Brother. They laid out all sorts of reasons they had come up with prior to the discussion. I was about to graduate college, I didn't have a job lined up, no boyfriend, no kids, nothing holding me back. It was perfect timing.

But senior year of college chaos kind of got in the way and I had already 3 concerts lined up to attend that summer. I also couldn't miss the birth of my second niece! So, it turned into, "Maybe next year!"

Next year rolled around and the question was asked again. Are you going to try out for Big Brother? Again, I had no full-time job, no kids, no boyfriend, nothing holding me back. So I finally did it.

I looked up casting calls and asked a couple of my BFFs to come along with me (Kirsten ended up trying out too!) and we had ourselves a road trip.

In March, we ventured on down to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and found ourselves in the middle of nowhere at a casino standing in a long line. Filled out the paper work, got my number (110!) and waited to film a 2-minute video.

I was pretty bummed that all we did was film a short video selling ourselves to the camera rather than meeting with casting agents or producers to do an interview. But none the less, we got a road trip with BFFs out of the deal and a nice story to tell (& write).

Needless to say, I didn't make it this year, but I am glad I can say, "At least I tried!" You can see the people that did make it on the show by clicking this different colored font! Will you be watching this season?

Big Brother starts Wednesday, 6/24 at 8/7c!

Right after the audition in Oklahoma City!

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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sunday Sprinkle: In Retrospect

In Retrospect

In retrospect, jokes become funnier.
Stories become morphed a bit more
after each time they are told.
They are narrated to how we like it.

In retrospect, I dodged a bullet.

In retrospect, hurt becomes dull
like the knives we find in our back
and how color fades over time.
Our bodies don’t feel the pain pricking
at it as hard as it had before.

In retrospect, I was a foolish girl.

It’s in retrospect that we see clearer
and our eyes finally meet the signs
that flashed and waved and burned
bright hoping to be noticed one day.
In retrospect, maybe she was a little crazy.          

In dark moments, I tell myself,
In retrospect, this will be nothing.
You are going to look back and ask,
“how did I go through that?”

In retrospect, maybe he did love me.
            Maybe the other one didn’t after all.

In retrospect, it’s amazing because
in those tough moments, we feel like
the weakest person we have ever been,
but when we look back in time, we wonder
how we were ever that strong.

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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Drive Ins

Good morning & happy Saturday!

I am currently lounging in bed with my window open and can hear the cicadas buzzing. My family and I have learned they are the worst every 17 years when their eggs finally hatch. And it's been 17 years. So they are everywhere and they make their presence known early afternoon until evening. I've been wondering if this is just a midwest thing? How about my out of state friends, do you know what cicada/locusts are and do you get them at your home? It's been a family obsession and frequent topic of discussion with us!

It's been a great start to the weekend! After work, I went straight to the mall so I could finally participate in the semi-annual sales at Victoria's Secret and Bath & Body Works! I was beyond thrilled to find actual cute bras in my size! And not to mention how good it feels to finally have a better grasp on what size I actually am. That is something I struggled with in high school and college. It wasn't until this past year that I really buckled down and worked with ladies at VS to know what my numbers and letters are, and let me tell you, it helps a lot. I do recommend getting over the awkwardness and asking for their help at VS. (That's their job!) They even went through all the styles and narrowed down which ones worked best for me. Figure out what is best for you and I bet shopping might be less of a headache and clothes will look even better on you!

Later in the night, I went to the drive in with my family to see Jurassic World! And man, it was a great movie! I definitely recommend taking the time to go see it. It was a beautiful night in Kansas City and it cooled down a lot once the stars came out. Have you been to a drive in before?

Things I am excited about:
Lightning bugs are out now
Jurassic World
All the goodies I can't wait to use from my shopping trip
A saturday afternoon workout

A list of things you can do:
Make it a mission to find your right size
Go to a drive in
Try new food (I had Panda Express for the first time yesterday!)
See Jurassic World
Participate in semi-annual sales going on right now
Catch lightning bugs

Nail polish I am wearing now:
The Berry Thought of You by OPI
(from their new Brights collection!)

Have a fun weekend!

Little Tico & I playing peek-a-boo and she's doing more of the peeking :)
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Please comment below. I would love to hear from you!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Prinze George

Today, I am talking about Prinze George and I don't mean Prince George (Will and Kate's adorable little boy).

I struggle with branching out in music, but have enjoyed using iTunes radio to help with the problem. Enter in an artist you already love or even a song and then it will randomly play music from all kinds of artists.

I think I was listening to the Imagine Dragons radio when a song was playing and I found myself digging it. I looked at what was playing and it was "Upswing" by Prinze George. Never heard of them. Eventually another song came on and I was digging it too. Another Prinze George song called "Children In The Audience".

I looked them up in the iTunes Store and found that they had an EP that included "Upswing" that is only $3.99 for 5 songs and the single "Children In The Audience" is only $.99. I decided to buy them both and have grown to like the other songs on the EP, especially "We Are Dreamers".

As a writer, I do enjoy the song, "The Writer," (funny, right?) especially because the lyric,
 Funny, I'm a writer, but I never had a single word for you.

Definitely give them a listen and let me know if you like them as well if you buy them! :)

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Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sunday Sprinkle: Listen

I want to lay my head on your chest
and listen to your heartbeat.
I want to listen to the beautiful organ
that gives you life; keeps you alive.
I want to listen to his own song.
Instead of waves coming from a seashell,
I’ll listen for him to whisper and spill
all your secrets; about your crush on me.

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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Journal Scribble: Needing [& Wanting] Passion

June 1 – My bed

Sometimes I wonder if people think I don’t have feelings. That maybe I’ve been hurt enough to where I’ve turned cold. Or that maybe I am so strong with both feet planted in my beliefs, feelings, and opinions. Maybe that I am stone that never crumbles. That I am never shaken. And that I am one solid Single Woman. I mean, I can be pretty fabulous, but I can also, simply, be a girl.

Yes, I’ve been hurt and sometimes I feel cold. There are times I feel strong, but like any other girl, I can crumble. I can be shaken as much as I can be stone. I can want things and sometimes maybe I need them. I feel things just like you.
May 25 – My bed

I need passion. The burning red, burning bright, burning hot kind. I want feelings surging through me and butterflies flying all over my stomach. I want the uncontrollable smile and laughter I can barely contain. I want sweaty palms and anticipation. I want to make out for an hour. I want the breeze of a rainstorm on my face. I want the high. I want to catch him looking at me in that certain kind of way. I want the head over heels, lovey dovey stuff. I want the I miss yous and the when am I going to see yous? I want the long see you laters and goodnights. The hand holding and random kisses. The little names and snuggles on the couch. The can’t stop thinking about him kind of mind. Cute flirty texts and late night phone calls. I want it all.

I want to feel what it is like to be absolutely adored by someone special.

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