Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sunday Sprinkle: In Retrospect

In Retrospect

In retrospect, jokes become funnier.
Stories become morphed a bit more
after each time they are told.
They are narrated to how we like it.

In retrospect, I dodged a bullet.

In retrospect, hurt becomes dull
like the knives we find in our back
and how color fades over time.
Our bodies don’t feel the pain pricking
at it as hard as it had before.

In retrospect, I was a foolish girl.

It’s in retrospect that we see clearer
and our eyes finally meet the signs
that flashed and waved and burned
bright hoping to be noticed one day.
In retrospect, maybe she was a little crazy.          

In dark moments, I tell myself,
In retrospect, this will be nothing.
You are going to look back and ask,
“how did I go through that?”

In retrospect, maybe he did love me.
            Maybe the other one didn’t after all.

In retrospect, it’s amazing because
in those tough moments, we feel like
the weakest person we have ever been,
but when we look back in time, we wonder
how we were ever that strong.

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