Friday, January 30, 2015

10 Ways to Celebrate Justin Timberlake's Birthday

It seems like yesterday when my mom told me that if I didn’t stop crying she would turn off the TV. My emotions and ginormous crush on Justin Timberlake was a lot to handle as a 7-year-old. I was watching a television concert NSYNC was doing when they first became big. Justin was one of my very first crushes ever. It was a new feeling getting butterflies listening to his voice sing, “You’re all I ever wanted, you’re all I ever needed.” And I couldn’t stop crying. I was one of those little girls that sat on the living room floor inches from the TV. Maybe I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss a thing or I was just trying to see through the tears.

As Justin Timberlake turns 34 this Saturday, it almost feels like an obligation that we celebrate his birthday too. We need to take some time to take in this man filled with an array of super talent and an attractiveness that doesn’t seem to be going away. Ever. And that is okay by me. So here is a list of suggestions of things to do to on his day of birth that changed our world forever. Do one or do them all, but have a happy Justin Timberlake day!
1. Start from the beginning where he first began his journey on the Mickey Mouse Club
YouTube has performances of him and Britney Spears together before they had their romance. Awh!

2. While we are on the topic of romances, you can go down memory lane of past loves Justin has had
From Britney to Cameron Diaz to Jessica Biel.

3. Listen to NSYNC albums and have a dance party in your room like you used to when you were little
Maybe even dust off their choreography. Because everyone knows the “Bye, Bye, Bye” dance.

4. Hang up that old poster of NSYNC you couldn’t throw away just yet for the day
I won’t judge if you keep it on your wall for the next week too.
I totally had this poster on my door for awhile when I was younger!
5. Watch all of his music videos
Grab some popcorn or maybe some wine and watch him work it. You can include NYSYNC ones or just him solo. Whatever tickles your fancy.

6. Have a movie marathon of films he has starred in
There is The Social Network, Friends with Benefits, Bad Teacher, and we can’t forget one of his firsts when he played a bad boy with tattoos in Alpha Dog. Just to name a few!

7. Go on a Saturday Night Live binge
“Bring it on down to liquorville!” The man has hosted five episodes and made appearances on others. He knows how to be funny so if you want a good laugh, definitely do this! And please don’t skip over “Dick in a Box” with Andy Samberg. Just don’t.
8. Wear his concert t-shirt
I personally own a shirt I bought at his 20/20 Experience concert and plan on wearing it at some point in the day. You can wear it while you watch SNL, go to the gym, or even to bed.

9. Wish him happy birthday on social media
He is all over the social media world with a Facebook page, Twitter, and Instagram so feel free to send him some birthday love.

10. Pick up some of his Tequila and have a night out
Justin collaborated with Sauza tequila and has his own Sauza 901. Grab some friends and some of this tequila for a great Saturday night out!

Whether you enjoy music, television, movies, or drinking, this guy has you covered. Thank you, Justin Timberlake for making our lives funnier and quite sexier. Now lets celebrate!


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday Sprinkle: Enough


Was I not enough?

Was I not enough?
We ask this when our boyfriends cheat on us.
When he moves on to the next girl so quickly.
Is she enough?

Didn’t I do enough?

Didn’t I do enough?
I worked hard in college.
I got good grades and was involved.
Networked and met people.

Why isn’t it enough?

Why isn’t it enough?
Why is there always something more we could be doing?
There is always someone better than us
and there is always someone better for us.

Why isn’t it good enough?

Why isn’t it good enough?
It’s not fast enough, she isn’t pretty enough, and he’s not tall enough.
There isn’t enough money.
Not enough time.

It’s hard to say, I’ve had enough
and it’s hard to say, I am enough.

I say, enough of this bullshit.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Journal Scribbles: Pages

January 4   - - -   My bed                                                                     

It was a moment where I was alone in the relationship. He just happened to be sleeping inches from me. We were never on the same page. We spent a lot of our time trying to convince the other to hop on ours. We tried to explain why it was a good idea and how it made sense. We were never going to be on the same pages. We would always be in different places. Even if we were in the same bed.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sunday Sprinkle: Cool Kids in Bourbon Bar

Cool Kids in Bourbon Bar

Upstairs in an Athens, Georgia bar, we were gathered together.
We were from different places, but were connected—
by a certain society and liquor.
A big booth became our territory.
Boys and girls stood on the seats
and more gathered around the table.
Over 20 drinks were placed on it.
Finish one. Grab another.
We called the dawgs and chanted.
We sang parts of a song at the wrong time,
the Star-Spangled Banner proudly and loudly in unison,
and Happy Birthday twice.
A group of girls asked, “Who are you?”
They said we looked like fun.
Another girl joined us even though she didn’t know us.
Others were enchanted.
We were the cool kids.
The North Dakota guys shouted.
A Georgia boy wore a red and black bow tie.
Leaders with spirit, energy, and inspiration.
Down to have fun with you
and living to serve too.

Georgia, you were fun.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Burn Sign

Physically, our bodies have this system that lets us know when something is too hot so we don’t touch it any longer. It keeps us from getting burned too badly. It’s usually a quick reaction. When something is toxic to our body, it tries its best to reject it and we throw it up. Our bodies have these defense mechanisms to save us from pain and to get rid of those toxic things.

But what about our hearts? It’s as if our mind is just about the only thing to help it, but it’s really slow. Maybe our heart gets in the way. Or it’s too much for our brains to protect. But aren’t we supposed to be smart? Maybe sometimes, we don’t think enough.

So why isn’t there a system that tires to protect us from getting burned emotionally? I’ve realized with all sorts of relationships, I keep going even if there may be subtle signs. I keep going and won’t stop until I seriously get hurt and burned badly. Then my heart and body physically feel the pain. We let people burn us and we let people be toxic and infect our worlds. There is no quick system that leaves us saying, “Ouch, that hurts” like we would trying to move that hot plate at a Mexican restaurant.
Our bodies don’t seem to try to run away from the bad. Not until it gets worse. Maybe it will get better. Maybe we really can settle. Compromise. Things can turn around, right?
I also think of this as the wake up call. A friend of mine was talking about this girl his friend hasn’t been 100% honest with and he said, “I’m kinda hoping she wakes up to it all.” I explained that I feel like you can’t, really. Or it’s at least hard to unless someone slaps you or splashes water on your face. It wasn’t until my friends told me he was still seeing her that I finally closed the door.

I think for people, especially girls, it takes a lot to stop. For us to stop believing, hoping, wondering, wishing, working, and making excuses. To finally get up and walk away. To finally let go. We let ourselves get cheated and mistreated sometimes. It happens. I just wish there was some better system to warn us quicker. I don’t pay attention to the little signs. I want the warning. So the burns don’t hurt as bad and that feeling of needing to throw up goes away. So our hearts won’t break as hard or nearly as often as they seem to do.


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday Sprinkle: The Stairwell

Since it has been so cold lately, I feel like we need something steamy to heat us up. :)
Stay warm, glitter readers and maybe share some kisses with someone special! 

The Stairwell
We walked in the cool city breeze
with our arms around each other’s backs.
Back to the hotel in search for a moment alone.
We stopped to kiss once along the sidewalk,
another on a stiff couch in the hotel hallway.
We found stairs that nobody normally use
so we could use each other’s kisses
in an attempt to satisfy our attraction.
We found a place and met each other’s eyes.
I dropped my purse to the ground
right before he pressed me to the wall with his kiss.
The friction of his kiss and his jeans
made the heat rise in my body.
There were no colors on the white walls and cement stairs,
but he brought color to me.
He brought red to my cheeks and the tip of my nose,
with his LA sun bleached hair my fingers had run through,
and the green button-down shirt my hands had smoothed over. 
There were no sounds that filled that empty stairwell
except for our breath trying to catch up with us.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Searching: The Scary Parallels of Job Hunting and Dating, A Satire by Rachel Marshall

As a recent college graduate and early twenty-something, there is a lot of searching going on. The last few years, I have been searching for myself, the perfect major, and what I am good at it. Now I am searching for my first big-girl job. Oh, and I am also supposed to be searching for the right guy for me too. It’s exhausting. But, I am finding out the scary parallels between these two pretty pivotal life searches.

What people tell you…
Job Searching
Something will come up soon. You are great! A company would be thrilled to have you. You’re pretty. You’ll have no trouble finding a job. With your resume, you will find something in no time.

Someone will come along. You are great! A guy would be lucky to have you. You’re pretty. You’ll have no trouble finding a guy. With everything you’ve got going for you, you will find someone.

How are you still single? might as well turn into the new How are you still unemployed?

LinkedIn is like the of job searching.
I was on LinkedIn the other day when I saw that a company I had applied to a couple weeks ago had shared the job posting for the position I had applied for “an hour ago”. I felt awkward. It stung me, had me self-conscious, and in a way, bummed. Even my job searching social media hurt a little like when I see a guy I really liked upload a picture with his new girl on Facebook. Am I not good enough? You need to see other candidates first? Other girls? Can’t escape!

The same technological anxieties exist for both. The did my text message go through? can be the equivalent to did they get my application? Do we wait for them to contact us first?

The Big Debate
So, who wants to debate which is worse? Because you know, there is that weird idea some people have that being single is one of the most awful things in the world. I am currently both, single and unemployed. (Please, no pity parties.) I have been looking at both sides and so far this is what I have come up with.

I can’t snuggle with a job and it can’t kiss me either. I guess in some cases and depending on the job, I could maybe take it home with me. But in the job search, there is so much silence. I like conversation. I have to try to make my first impression with a cover letter and resume. They are so black and white. It makes it challenging to show my personality.

But I kind of need a job to live. I need it for the basics of you know, food, shelter, and other necessities. If I had a job, I could simply take myself out on dates if I wanted to.

This whole debate could be over if I simply found a rich man that sweeps me off my feet and the need for a job just vanishes. But I am not about that life. *insert sassy hand emoji*
Other Thoughts

Even rejection is similar these days. Some places don’t even bother to tell you they aren’t interested. It’s the same as the guy you had been seeing that stops texting you and eventually falls off the map without telling you a thing. Bye?

I guess finding a person/job is very similar because you have to like them and they have to like you too?

There are no articles on the Internet telling you how fabulous the unemployment life is and listing 25 reasons why. In fact, I went to Google and started typing in, “reasons why being” and Google started to try to finish my sentence with the first option as “reasons why being single is good.” See?

I continued to type the rest and once I started typing, “unemployed is,” Google had the options of “is bad, is a good thing, is depressing, is great.” I clicked on “great” to see what it would give me.
I selected the top article, “18 Good Reasons You are Still Unemployed” and I am still wondering why they bothered including the word, “good” in the title. Those tricksters. In short, the article pretty much suggested you are not doing enough, interview poorly, and maybe not doing it right. It also pointed out that you may be depressed, angry, or your attitude just stinks. But if you get over these things, you “will usually land in a hurry.” I am not kidding.

You can see for yourself, here.

I have close friends that are in the same boat as me living both single and unemployed. We are paddling hard and feeling like we are going against the water. But we should know that the sea of Life’s drift will keep us moving. And if we get knocked down or out of the boat, as Dory says, “just keep swimming, just keep swimming” or rather we shall say, “just keep searching, just keep searching.” Keep searching, keep talking, keep working. Ahoy!


P.S. Oh, but while I am here. I am a young, outgoing, and determined hard-working lady. I have a degree in Communication with an emphasis in Public Relations. I love writing, social media, and public speaking. My online portfolios can be accessed at and I have a lot of experience. Want to see my resume? :) 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Five years ago, I boldly cut my hair and hated it. I even made a Facebook “note” about it circa The Girly Girl and titled it, “Life is Short, But My Hair Doesn’t Have To Be.” Cute, I must say. I read it and I feel for 2010 Rachel. Oh, how I have grown. And my hair did too.

Fast forward to December 2014. The week of Christmas, I started having weird thoughts of cutting my hair. Since the 2010 hair cut, I had always wanted my hair long and encouraged others to keep their long hair too. I kept asking my friend Jessica, who just chopped her hair off, “Are you sure?” So when I started discussion with friends, they were pretty surprised.

I was already leaning pretty hard for this cut. It was Christmas night when I was experiencing a breakdown that I grabbed my phone while I was crying and texted Jessica that I wanted to cut my hair as soon as possible.  

I’ve been ending chapter after chapter lately and experiencing a lot of changes internally. I’ve been hurting a lot. Now I wanted to do something physical, but a little less permanent than a tattoo or piercing.
It quickly became an [eff you] to a lot of [bee ess] I went through in 2014. I was getting fresh for 20fifteen. I was hitting a restart button for a brand new year in hopes that these next chapters start soon.
Now I was nervous for it all. Was I going to hate it just like I did in 2010?
The big cut happened and I posted a picture on all of my social media platforms with no caption. I was letting it speak for itself. I was becoming blank and ready for new.

I was overwhelmed with the positive response I received. Really, you guys made me feel like a cool kid. But one word kept appearing. Cute. Was I just cute now? Some of you know my fascination with sexy and some have probably read my blog about that word. Others even remembered my hair “note” five years ago. Didn’t you blog about how much you hated your hair last time you cut it? You guys really do read. I digress. Anyway, sexy is important to me. Now I was feeling like my hair brought that. Was it gone? Did I just chop off a part of my appeal?

I talked to some of my lady friends about it. My short-haired lady friends. They brought good perspective to it. Gently reminding me of things I already knew: that a lot of sexy is in your mind and how you rock it. Also, it’s very subjective. Not just simply your hair. Even though society usually correlates long hair with sexy, they actually feel sexier with their short hair. There is some sort of special dash of sassy you get with short hair as I have been finding out. 2010 Rachel really obsessed over her hair and her confidence. I was refusing to make that a repeat.

A little over a week with my new do, I definitely feel like I found my sexy. And that feels fabulous. Take that 2010 haircut! See 2010 Rachel?! A lot of it is how you own it and back then I still didn't know how. 

As Coco Chanel says, “A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life,” so I’m thinking, lets do this.