Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Burn Sign

Physically, our bodies have this system that lets us know when something is too hot so we don’t touch it any longer. It keeps us from getting burned too badly. It’s usually a quick reaction. When something is toxic to our body, it tries its best to reject it and we throw it up. Our bodies have these defense mechanisms to save us from pain and to get rid of those toxic things.

But what about our hearts? It’s as if our mind is just about the only thing to help it, but it’s really slow. Maybe our heart gets in the way. Or it’s too much for our brains to protect. But aren’t we supposed to be smart? Maybe sometimes, we don’t think enough.

So why isn’t there a system that tires to protect us from getting burned emotionally? I’ve realized with all sorts of relationships, I keep going even if there may be subtle signs. I keep going and won’t stop until I seriously get hurt and burned badly. Then my heart and body physically feel the pain. We let people burn us and we let people be toxic and infect our worlds. There is no quick system that leaves us saying, “Ouch, that hurts” like we would trying to move that hot plate at a Mexican restaurant.
Our bodies don’t seem to try to run away from the bad. Not until it gets worse. Maybe it will get better. Maybe we really can settle. Compromise. Things can turn around, right?
I also think of this as the wake up call. A friend of mine was talking about this girl his friend hasn’t been 100% honest with and he said, “I’m kinda hoping she wakes up to it all.” I explained that I feel like you can’t, really. Or it’s at least hard to unless someone slaps you or splashes water on your face. It wasn’t until my friends told me he was still seeing her that I finally closed the door.

I think for people, especially girls, it takes a lot to stop. For us to stop believing, hoping, wondering, wishing, working, and making excuses. To finally get up and walk away. To finally let go. We let ourselves get cheated and mistreated sometimes. It happens. I just wish there was some better system to warn us quicker. I don’t pay attention to the little signs. I want the warning. So the burns don’t hurt as bad and that feeling of needing to throw up goes away. So our hearts won’t break as hard or nearly as often as they seem to do.


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