Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Stop To Watch The Lightning Bugs

Move over, locust bugs! Lightning bugs are officially twinkling! Life for me went from a pretty casual cruise to 100mph. You will eventually find out why soon enough, but needless to say, I've been constantly on the go. I am trying not to neglect eating, sleeping, and shaving. My only break today was to watch the premiere of Big Brother (still cooling off from watching Clay in action) and my pre-dinner was a bag of popcorn and Mountain Dew.

I finally had some of Mom's leftover delicious baked ziti and made myself sit on the front porch and watch the lightning bugs sprinkled throughout our neighborhood yards. I am starting to think lightning bugs might be on my top 10 list of my most favoritest things in the world.

On Saturday, I hosted our 5-year high school reunion. Like, what? Here was my glam look for the occasion. I went for a sleek straight hair look with one side completely tucked behind my ear. Bangs swooped to the other side. So a pair of earrings went to one ear!

I changed my lock screen on my phone and wallpaper on my Mac to this super cute background over the weekend. As I opened my Mac to type this blog tonight, I realized I hadn't opened it since Sunday. Now that is too long and a weird feeling for me. A big sign of how busy I have been!
The wallpaper is part of Shop Ban.Do's free downloads and I am in love!

With how busy work has been and everything else going on, just know that I will be feeling like this on the inside for at least the next 3-ish weeks or maybe until after the big event at work is over with in August!

Goodnight, sleep tight,
let the lightning bugs shine bright!
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