Thursday, March 8, 2012

2 Days

This week I had 2 particular days that were really big for me.
First was Tuesday when I was awarded the Susan B. Anthony Scholarship. I was awarded a long side two other wonderful women that work at Emporia State. I was so excited, thrilled and honored to even be recognized and awarded along side these women that have been contributing to women for years. I caught a glimmer of how Taylor Swift feels when she wins things and is awarded among other great musicians. I was happy to have close friends come as well as my advanced fiction writing class. I was glad that Professor Webb, one of my role models, could make it. Just last year she was getting one of the faculty awards and I had watched. Now just a year later, she was watching me. I couldn't be more thankful and feel so delighted about this award. I have an awesome plaque and an amazing necklace with a medallion that was designed by one of the great women of ESU years ago and it gets passed to the new person each year. I found out that I am the 30th person to get this award. A good even number. :)
Yesterday was also great because I went to the Meet and Greet with the new President of ESU, Dr. Shonrock. I had a plan and I was on a mission to ask him if his wife could speak at the next BUILD Beauty meeting. I even made an index card with my information and everything. There was a good group of people there and I stood with some friends and waited patiently for my turn. Eventually he came over to our group and I finally got my time to pitch the idea! I gave him the card and everything! Now I am just waiting to see if she can do it! :) I was filled with energy afterward because I was so excited I took the chance and opportunity. As I have mentioned before, it is all about taking chances. Even if she doesn't contact me or it doesn't work out, I am still glad that I even tried. Who knows what can happen if you don't try, right?
That night, I went to see a visiting writer read her poetry and that was inspiring. I had never been to one of the visiting writers before. It was a neat experience and I can't wait to get some time to write! I have been so busy!

I wanted to share that with you. It has been a rough last half of year or so, but it is nice to have some good things coming my way again. I am making sure I savor it.  :)

Sparkle & Shine,

Professor Webb and I

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