Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year--Still Glittering

Two years just went by since I started this blog. What a couple two years and this coming year won't be any different. Last night, I brought in the new year with a couple of my best friends, Jade and Anna, at a new place I had never been. I was able to break in my fabulous new heels and be with them surrounded by lots of people which was a new experience for me. I've never really had any big plans for NYE so it was nice to venture out and do something new!

As for resolutions, I don't know how I feel about the word resolution, but, I do rather enjoy goals and dreams and things to strive to be. I know Anna and I are about to tag team to be in the best shape we have ever been in. It will be a tough road, but I don't think we have ever been this motivated together. This year will rather be not so much about resolutions, but crossing off things on a huge to do list that includes, graduating, finding a job, and a place to live just among other big events that will be happening in my last semester at ESU. So I think that will be enough to keep me occupied!

If I do have a word for this year, it will be change. I will be graduating from a place that stole my heart and I have made home for 4 years. I will be getting a job and transitioning to live in a different place. I go through these phases where I like to change things up and they usually coincide with semesters and seasons. I am definitely in that mode right now. I have gotten a lot of new things and refreshing just about everything. I even deleted every picture/video off my phone the other night and redid my music library on it. This gave me 5GB of storage of free space again. Needless to say, it was a good feeling! Starting fresh and getting motivated for this year is what I am doing. It will be a roller coaster type of year, but I am going to try to be as positive and happy as I can be in this process! Why be anything different from that?

Just a little bit ago, I remembered I wrote myself a letter last Janurary 1st. I read it. I kind of teared up. I am glad I did it. I plan to write another letter tonight to open next year. :) Anybody else do that? Anybody want to try it this year?

So hello, 2014. My name is Rachel. Nice to meet you. We have a lot to accomplish this year. :)
Ready to accomplish things even if it's in sparkly heels:)
NYE Night with Jade & Anna
Sparkle & Shine.
Red lips & heels. Be Bold. Sparkle & Shine.

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