Thursday, August 21, 2014

My ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Confession: I was kind of hoping nobody would nominate me for the ALS ice bucket challenge. Not because I am a girly girl that doesn’t want a bucket of ice on me, but because I felt very ignorant to what ALS even was and how it impacts people. And then I would be pressured into donating.

Then I was nominated.

I felt conflicted in different ways. When I was nominated, it felt as though people were posting the videos because everyone else was doing it. It was the “cool” thing. Or people did it as a way to look good. Some even were doing it because they had the notion if you did it, it would mean you didn’t have to donate. My friend explained, that’s not the point. You should donate anyway. I also wondered what people would think if I never did post a video. Would people think I was a bad person? Would anyone even notice? It’s crazy how self-conscious people can when it comes to a subject as this.

So I decided to open my eyes and ears and learn. I have read people’s opinions of the movement, watched videos of others, and I wanted to learn what in the world this ALS even is. To my knowledge, I haven’t had a close family member or friend suffer from it. I didn’t have a personal connection. I finally stumbled upon a video that enlightened me. The one made by a man who was recently diagnosed with it and has a mother who has it as well. I finally felt emotionally invested. I also learned that a favorite teacher and mentor of mine at Emporia State had a husband who passed away from it.

Something Emporia State taught me outside of the classroom was the value of giving back. More and more I see the importance of it. As I have been trying to raise money for my journey to Miss Kansas USA, I have become more aware of myself and find myself trying to find ways to give back in ways I can here and there. I have been one lucky girl that have received many opportunities and help especially in my college career. So I want to do the same for others. 

So here I am.
This is my ice bucket challenge. I am going to donate to the Kenna Reeves team to support the Emporia Area Walk to Defeat ALS. I challenge my communication family to consider doing the same! You can access it here:

I may not have just poured ice over my head, but I felt like a cold person as I had made the confession in the first paragraph. I also wanted to do something different and in a way I am passionate. I wanted to write. 

I will be submitting my donation online tomorrow when I get paid. J

Kenna Reeves and I 

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