Monday, February 6, 2012


A couple weeks ago, I emailed my pastor from my church back home. We started a series about doing no harm and doing good. He encouraged us to email him with things that we do to "do good." I decided to do that and tell him about the Pay It Forward program I have been working on for Ambassadors and BUILD Beauty. While I was at it, I wanted to include some other things that were on my mind. At the last service he discussed a topic that is pretty dear to me, the gay community. He talked of how he accepts everyone no matter if they are gay or not because God loves all his children. By the end of the service, I was holding back tears of joy. I was so happy that the church I go to does not look down on the gay community. I also mentioned the tough time I had last semester and my want to forgive. He also talked about the topic of forgiving at church recently and it has been something I have thought about. He emailed me back shortly after I sent mine and it was great having that connection and communication with my pastor. He asked me in the email if I would be willing to be acknowledged for what I have been doing here at ESU and the other things I talked about in my email. I already knew I was not going to be able to make it to church that coming Sunday because I was going to a bridal show with my sister. So we taped a video of me talking about it at our carnival thing we had the day before. He played it at church the next day and my mom and dad went to watch. My mom was able to record it and record what he had to say. It was such a great feeling sharing what I have been doing here and hopefully inspiring others, getting to share my stories and the importance of the gay community in my life, and also the tough time I had just a few months ago and how I want to forgive. It can be personal stuff, but I was glad I could share. I got to speak and have what I had to say be a part of the service. It was really special to me and it makes me thankful that I took the time to sit down and email him. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have been able to share all that and connect better with my church. All you have to do is take the time and take the chance!

Sparkle & Shine,

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