Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thank Your Feet

I don't get to paint my toe nails as much as my fingernails but I enjoy it when I get to. I have a foot spa thing and some Avon foot products for your foot bath, a scrub and lotion. That's always nice when I get the time! But I think it is when I put lotion on my feet after showers that it feels the best. I don't think to do it after every shower even though I should. I like to sit and rub the lotion on my feet and massage it in. It feels amazing. I did that today and noticed I needed to do my toe nails. I had thought about this before during past at home pedicures that sometimes we NEED to do things like that as a way to thank our feet. They do so much for us by getting us from point A to point B. Even to simple places such as the kitchen or bathroom. My feet are always busy taking me to campus, to work, classes, meetings and more. They allow me to give campus tours to prospective students and do nightly workouts. They are an important part of me. So now I want to make it a habit to thank them by giving them more at home pedicures (maybe actual pedicures on occasion) and massaging them with lotion after showers! You should do the same too and take time to appreciate the small things such as your feet :)
Sparkle & Shine,

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